
March 29, 2023

Remember with Author, Photographer, & Mentor Melinda Edwards

This episode is a conversational journey through creative flow, reflection, motherhood, & connection. A level of gorgeous truth that just sears into your soul.Melinda has created her business around experiences that brin…
March 22, 2023

The Deeper Responsibility of Photographing a Family with Childhood Photographer Carly Mitchell

For whatever reason, the distinction of nice vs kind has stuck with me ever since I was made aware of it. As someone that loves to comfort and make people happy, it's something I purposely check in with myself on.  Being nic…
March 15, 2023

Closing Your Eyes To See: Using Fear as a Security Blanket

Are you using your fear as a security blanket?And if not “fear”, can you substitute a feeling that you struggle against but if you really stop to think about it, you might be the one grasping onto it?I had a crazy revelation…
March 8, 2023

Seeing Synchronicity

Do you notice signs in your life?Do you downplay them?Do you get freaked out by them?This episode is about being awake to synchronicity and contemplating why we feel the urge to downplay “coincidence” in our lives.If you lov…
March 1, 2023

How Our Photographs Help Us Find Presence in the Past

Ramblings on how to use your "meh" photographs as an opportunity to find presence in your past. Let's contemplate the value of lingering over dismissing what doesn't immediately strike you.More from Bianca:www.biancaleamorra…
Feb. 22, 2023

The Importance of Following the Constellation of YOU

What life is available to you if you stop spending so much energy trying to "correct" yourself and use that energy to support yourself by following the thread of YOU?If you love this conversation and want to dream into enjoy…
Feb. 4, 2023

Sharing From The Wound

Contrary to popular belief- I don’t believe we must wait to share from the scar and not the wound. In fact, I actually think this perpetuates a world where we are all putting on a show for one another when really, we ache in…
Jan. 25, 2023

What Makes Powerful Work?

While I don’t believe you as the artist have to be able to articulate clearly your “why” and all of the other heavy shit that it feels almost impossible to verbalize- I believe when your soul is able to recognize the space b…
Jan. 18, 2023

Self Trust Through Finding Your Congruence

In this episode I share why I've been brought to tears with discomfort in creating my newest course for artists and my latest realization around identifying why my artistic trust in myself in photo sessions feels so invincib…
Jan. 11, 2023

Unburdening Your Gift: It’s OKAY to not take the picture.

This is something I don't see talked about and not only is it a very common occurrence in my life, but keeping perspective on this topic is key for managing my energy and feeling good with my creation process & myself.To…
Jan. 4, 2023

Connect to Your Intentional Vision for 2023

In this episode I talk about how I really don't like and also really like the start of a new year. Feeling the pressure to "start anew" is daunting. I decided I want to take the pressure off and dream into what I want to see…
Dec. 28, 2022

Trusting Your Subconscious Vision

What if we stop obsessing over why something we did well was just a fluke/doesn't count or on the flip side- stopped trying to dissect it in order to come up with the formula for replicating and increasing efficiency.Sometim…
Dec. 21, 2022

Easy Ideas to Document What Actually Matters This Holiday- Minus the Pressure.

I'm tired & don't feel ready for Christmas- but I also am not feeling the pressure. I think that's because I'm really clear on what matters & what doesn't- especially around how I document it. Today I share some supe…
Dec. 14, 2022

You Don’t Have To Figure It All Out To Feel Good w/Jenny Sanchez

Truth be told- I need this podcast episode today. (Isn't it funny how sometimes we can feel so wise & totally “get it” and then other times you're growling and slamming cabinets like an angsty teenager because you were d…
Nov. 30, 2022

Sick of your own sh*t? Do You Exhaust Yourself? Here’s How I Decided I’m Done.

I went to a retreat and came back with a realization & also apparently covid.Last week I missed my first week of posting a podcast episode in 62 weeks...listen in to hear what happened because of it.PS-Are you an artist …
Nov. 16, 2022

The HSP Superpower in Business, Motherhood, & Our Deepest Selves with Alissa Boyer

This conversation is about turning your tenderness into your greatest strength and helping others activate along the way.Our guest Alissa Boyer is a Mentor for Highly Sensitive People (HSPs) with a passion for helping fellow…
Nov. 8, 2022

Grow Your Photography Work= 3% Technical, 97% THIS Enduring Mindset Strategy.

Our tools are amazing and I am so thankful for them- HOWEVER,Technology changes.Gear changes.Your taste changes.What's "on trend" changes.We commit so much time, space, & energy into putting a lot of effort into perfecti…
Nov. 2, 2022

Finding Momentum in Misfortune: Find Out How You Actually Feel

There I was in the middle of a session and my camera was crapping out on me.I was frustrated and felt really uncomfortable after the shoot...but when I stopped to really think about why- actually, why- I realized that the ca…
Oct. 26, 2022

How Bravery is More Important than Skill when Creating Meaningful vs Good Photographs

When you walk into a space open to seeing truth vs immediately searching for "ideal" conditions or what is familiar, it is only then that you are able to create something that transcends time, space, & limited standards.…
Oct. 19, 2022

Getting Lost to Get Found: Rewrite Your Story & Explore Your Point of Liberation with Jessicah Travis

"What if?"It can all start with this tiny question.  This tiny question can be a world opener- a gateway to a life meant for you, written by you.Jessicah Travis is a life coach specializing in helping you move from your curr…
Oct. 12, 2022

Where’s Me? Finding Room For Yourself Through Inner Work w/Amber Dolan-Bath

Amber is a self discovery coach and dreams strategist here to guide you inwards as you explore and navigate life’s transitions. We talk about listening to your inner voice and being able to decipher how to make room for your…
Oct. 5, 2022

How to Create Your Business for the Life You Want to Live w/Meghan Doll

Sometimes we can take something that energizes us and somehow turn it into something  draining. But how does this happen? Why is it so hard to see it while it's happening? & most importantly, how can we empower ourselves…
Sept. 28, 2022

What Else is Possible When You Take Your Pleasure Seriously? w/ Sara Cousineau

What gets to happen when you lean into what feels good rather than just dipping your toe in it?Why do we “treat” ourselves instead of implementing what feels good & right as a standard of being?Sometimes I feel like I'm …
Sept. 21, 2022

”Be Careful What You Get Good At”: How to Connect to Your Artistic Vision Under Pressure

It doesn't really matter what you CAN do, it matters what you WANT to do.Isn't it funny how sometimes when we hit goals or milestone accomplishments it can feel completely neutral or even empty & disappointing?You can't …