
Oct. 10, 2024

Finding Your Natural Current

My used book called me a hypocrite. I almost didn't record this episode because I had nothing to say. I followed my unproductive instinct and magically found something to say. Your turn...
Oct. 4, 2024

An Urgency to Live, Now via Photo Journaling

“if one reaches the point where understanding fails, this is not a tragedy. It is simply a reminder to stop thinking and start looking. Perhaps there is nothing to figure out after all. Perhaps we only need to wake up.” -Tho…
Sept. 25, 2024

CONCOCTIONS: the anti recipe (?)

Concoctions: The anti recipe? no. after giving it thought, I realize concoctions inevitably become a recipe in its own way. (also, can being “for” something stop meaning we have to be “"anti” something else?) ((but to be hon…
Sept. 18, 2024

Your Art is Life & Death

One day, you will not be here. One day, everything and nothing will matter. One day, the pictures become painfully precious. One day, hindsight will show you the life you could have lived. Right now, you are here. Right now,…
Sept. 5, 2024

Is ”Why” Keeping You Stuck?

When does the quest for "why" turn into justification paralysis? Is figuring out the root cause the only key to moving forward? or is it as simple as a decision? With visual journaling I reflect on the big and little picture…
Aug. 28, 2024

Photography as Meditation: Being in the pulse of your life.

waking up with a racing chest. putting your brain in front of your divine inspiration/intuition. letting yourself hear what you are trying to tell yourself through the photos you take. "WAIT! I gotta get mommy a flower!" cli…
Aug. 20, 2024

PT 2: Fear of Visceral Joy

Today is a part two of sorts. Last week's episode felt too big to just move on from and I've been burrowing myself into it ever since. I uncovered a really deep insecurity of mine: being redundant. Feeling like what I have t…
Aug. 14, 2024

Press & Release: Confessions of Insecurity

I went on a creative work retreat & was able to finally name the ambiguous monster under my bed. An insecurity that makes me cringe to even say it out loud but alas- I do. I bring it here in the spirit of love, honesty, & in…
Aug. 7, 2024

Mother the Mother

do you feel like you can never let your guard down in life? sometimes I just want to be taken care of, the way I take care. today I share a very recent & personal experience trying to find some clarity around a medical issue…
July 31, 2024

A Visual Love Letter, to you from you.

after last week's episode i realized i was having a hard time figuring out how to love myself without having it be in relation to being "useful" "helpful" "serving" "loving" -basically anything that was inherently linked to …
July 23, 2024

When You Sit w/Anything Long Enough: love

Today I share about a workshop I attended that made me cry incessantly. (lol) & how for the first time in the history of my 15 year relationship with my partner- i was wrong (GASP). (lol again) Prompts from the episode- sit …
July 17, 2024

As Slow As Possible with Tuğba Avci

what might happen if we can let ourselves tolerate boredom? can you even let yourself get to the point of being bored in the first place? less. slower. simpler. Tuğba is a Turkish-Greek Artist living in Berlin. Her substack-…
July 3, 2024

Growing Pains & Comforts

"First I painted the whole structure of his face. Then I wiped out the face. And when the face was gone, it was more Frank than when the face was there." -Elaine de Kooning Have you arrived yet? Not "there". Not at a goal. h…
June 27, 2024

Making a Living or Making a Life: My Decision to Stop

I'm officially untangling income from my work and redefining what creating income means and looks like for me. It's not quitting or failure- it's a peaceful decision. I'm sharing about a workshop I've been selected for that …
June 20, 2024

FULL TIME ARTIST & part time work w/Morgan Bukovec

Morgan Bukovec is a multimedia artist currently residing in Columbus OH. Today we talk artist to artist about doing work for you, being open to following your heart, and making your job work around your art (not the other wa…
June 12, 2024

Exploring Choice Even When Nothing is Wrong w/Sarah Marie Bilger

From Full Time Engineer to Full Time Mama & Doula, Sarah's story is so important. It's the kind of story that might slip through the cracks because there isn't the extreme emotion or circumstance that attracts attention.…
June 5, 2024

Accepting Change in Art & Motherhood

"I had a death grip on my life and the world only turned because I was cranking it all the time. I was convinced of that. "That is one of the most relatable things I've ever heard.Today's guest is Janelle Thomas. She is a wi…
May 29, 2024

How Deeply Am I Respecting My Body & My Life? with Steph Trzaska

Can we stop apologizing for our needs?Can we navigate life in a way that helps it flow around us instead of contorting ourselves to accommodate everything and anything outside of us?What happens when we decide we respect our…
May 22, 2024

Choice or Destiny or Both? with Birth & Destiny Doula Sara Cousineau

You know one of those moments where you're chatting with a friend and think, "I should record this." ?Well that happened and I hit record 20 minutes into our catch up chat.Sara Cousineau is an ecstatic birth & destiny do…
May 15, 2024

Components of Truth

What if forgetting isn't bad?What if I'm a photographer that doesn't take enough photos of her family?What if you can see all of the "problems" more clearly but still aren't yet able to "solve" them?Want to chat about this s…
May 8, 2024

Crippling Intentionality

When do your sacred intentions become too much of a good thing?When does it stop being supportive & expansive and start becoming paralyzing horse blinders?Is your obsession with intention the thing that's actually hinder…
May 1, 2024

Releasing the Weight of Results

what if you released the big/daunting/ambiguous weight of expectations/ results?where might that precious energy be better resourced?and ironically, might that actually increase the likelihood or speed in which those damn re…
April 24, 2024

I Had a Panic Attack in Yoga Class

Panic attack. yes.I did.& of all places- a soothing yoga class?This episode is about the ambiguous panic of trying to "make it make sense" in life.disclaimer- at the end of this episode my kids woke up and joined the fes…
April 17, 2024

The Part of You You Cannot Name

At 5am I decide to whisper to you in my basement about the maddening experience of regularly seeing/creating that wildly elusive thing you crave to know yet cannot name a million times & yet: ferocious unrest.SHOW NOTES:…