June 12, 2024

Exploring Choice Even When Nothing is Wrong w/Sarah Marie Bilger

Exploring Choice Even When Nothing is Wrong w/Sarah Marie Bilger

From Full Time Engineer to Full Time Mama & Doula, Sarah's story is so important.
It's the kind of story that might slip through the cracks because there isn't the extreme emotion or circumstance that attracts attention. Sarah was happy with her ...

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Help Me See - Living Through Seeing

From Full Time Engineer to Full Time Mama & Doula, Sarah's story is so important.

It's the kind of story that might slip through the cracks because there isn't the extreme emotion or circumstance that attracts attention. Sarah was happy with her job and way of life but managed to tune into her gut and follow her curiosity into major life changes.

She is now navigating a new version of life as she knows it and supporting other women to discover choice in all areas of birth & motherhood.

More from Sarah:


NOTES from Bianca:
Sacred Seeing Membership for Creatives

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00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:19,320.0005
I didn't know what to do and I froze my water broke first That was the first sign of labor and in my class that I took they said oh It's not gonna happen that way your water will break way later into pregnancy And so my like Type A personality and my perfectionism and, and all of these things that it was like, very rigid.

00:00:19,340.0005 --> 00:00:27,560.0005
Like, you know, I was good at taking tests and like good at passing things and like, and all of a sudden it was like, this isn't the way it's supposed to be.

00:00:27,599.9995 --> 00:00:30,620.0005
Like, I vividly remember saying this isn't how it's supposed to be.

00:00:30,660.0015 --> 00:00:31,740.0015
This isn't how it's supposed to be.

00:00:31,740.0015 --> 00:00:34,0.0015
And I couldn't get out of that.

00:00:34,400.0015 --> 00:00:40,430.0015
I was just stuck in this, you know, loop mentally that I just kept on.

00:00:40,530.0015 --> 00:00:41,720.0015
I didn't know what to do.

00:00:41,720.0015 --> 00:00:43,380.0015
I didn't know how to snap out of it.

00:00:43,680.0015 --> 00:00:46,310.0015
I just kept on like thinking this isn't what I want.

00:00:46,310.0015 --> 00:00:48,500.0015
This isn't, what's supposed to happen.

00:00:48,790.0015 --> 00:00:50,620.0005
I prepared myself for this.

00:00:50,920.0005 --> 00:00:52,50.0015
This is happening.

00:00:52,430.0025 --> 00:00:52,770.0025

00:00:52,770.1025 --> 00:01:01,920.0005
And here and like, and I mean, it's a very scary place to be in life, in birth, in any situation.

00:01:02,480.0005 --> 00:01:06,460.0005
Help Me See is a podcast dedicated to the art of seeing.

00:01:07,100.0005 --> 00:01:13,790.0005
It's a space for the restless visionary with an insatiable desire to create the life and work you're meant for.

00:01:14,765.0005 --> 00:01:23,885.0005
My name is Bianca Lea Mora, and I'm a photographic artist, a mother, and a coach who's transformed my fear of loss into power, art, and philosophy.

00:01:24,155.0005 --> 00:01:37,315.0005
One of the scariest quotes I never want to say is, I wish I knew at the time, but I truly believe that we have the innate ability to bring our wise 2020 hindsight to our now.

00:01:38,215.0005 --> 00:01:45,454.9995
You can deeply experience your nostalgia now, while it's actually happening, with no regrets.

00:01:46,555.0005 --> 00:01:47,885.0005
All you have to do is see.

00:01:48,985.0005 --> 00:02:04,835.0005
In this show, we laugh, we cry, we get inspired, we overshare, we have life changing conversations around making meaning, self discovery, and shedding all the BS layers in order to reconnect to our own sacred vision.

00:02:05,645.0005 --> 00:02:09,305.0005
Seeing yourself is an essential key to living powerfully.

00:02:09,715.0005 --> 00:02:14,525.0005
You are the vessel, the lens that filters absolutely everything in your life.

00:02:15,484.9995 --> 00:02:37,40.0005
What are you filtering for? Whether it be conversations with fellow artists and visionaries, or my solo audio journal style introspective ramblings, each episode is meant to feel like an exhale, an unraveling of truth, a moment for you to be able to put your finger on something that you haven't been able to for far too long.

00:02:38,599.9995 --> 00:02:40,669.9995
Come exactly as you are.

00:02:40,959.9995 --> 00:02:41,819.9995
It's perfect.

00:02:42,529.9995 --> 00:02:44,49.9995
Honor your instincts.

00:02:44,109.9995 --> 00:02:49,729.9995
Let's uncover some of the most important things in our lives which all too often can slip out from our view.

00:02:51,55.0005 --> 00:02:57,935.0005
Let's commit to seeing and consciously creating what only you can in your one and only life.

00:02:59,75.0005 --> 00:02:59,745.0005
Let's dive in.

00:03:01,245.0005 --> 00:03:01,515.0005

00:03:01,545.0005 --> 00:03:04,95.0005
Hello and welcome to another episode of help me see.

00:03:04,485.0005 --> 00:03:05,835.0005
Two day on the show.

00:03:05,835.0005 --> 00:03:07,515.0005
We have a special guest.

00:03:07,515.0005 --> 00:03:18,15.0005
Her name is Sarah Marie builder, and she is an incredible mama of two that has been working in engineering for quite some time.

00:03:18,15.0005 --> 00:03:19,815.0005
Now it's which went to school for.

00:03:20,175.0005 --> 00:03:21,585.0005
And then the pandemic hit.

00:03:21,925.0005 --> 00:03:23,65.0005
During that.

00:03:23,755.0005 --> 00:03:27,715.0005
Unexpected time and having unexpected space.

00:03:27,715.0005 --> 00:03:33,475.0005
Sarah was able to dive into some other interest in discover some passions.

00:03:33,895.0005 --> 00:03:40,675.0005
Uh, and really carried them with her through the pandemic, through, uh, going back into the office.

00:03:41,215.0005 --> 00:03:48,775.0005
And now because of that, she has actually ended up leaving her full-time job as an engineer.

00:03:49,165.0005 --> 00:03:50,545.0005
And is now a full-time.

00:03:50,845.0005 --> 00:03:52,915.0005
Mama and full-time doula.

00:03:53,365.0005 --> 00:03:55,885.0005
Uh, pursuing the work that lights her up.

00:03:56,755.0005 --> 00:04:04,675.0005
What I think is so interesting and important about Sarah's story is that she really, really loved and enjoyed her job as an engineer.

00:04:04,795.0005 --> 00:04:06,625.0005
This is not a story of someone who.

00:04:07,45.0005 --> 00:04:11,135.0005
Was, living life so discontent and miserable and then pretend.

00:04:11,285.0005 --> 00:04:12,5.0005
Pandemic hit.

00:04:12,5.0005 --> 00:04:13,325.0005
And finally, she.

00:04:13,925.0005 --> 00:04:16,55.0005
Was able to XYZ.

00:04:16,55.0005 --> 00:04:20,135.0005
It's it's so important to listen to Sarah's story because.

00:04:20,135.0005 --> 00:04:23,825.0005
It's what's possible when you really lean in to your own whisper.

00:04:24,305.0005 --> 00:04:32,75.0005
No, it's I find oftentimes it's, it's easier to spot and to take action when something feels bad and wrong.

00:04:32,615.0005 --> 00:04:33,275.0005
But her job.

00:04:34,115.0005 --> 00:04:35,45.0005
Did not feel bad.

00:04:35,285.0005 --> 00:04:36,245.0005
It did not feel wrong.

00:04:36,905.0005 --> 00:04:38,975.0005
She just found something that she felt.

00:04:39,335.0005 --> 00:04:41,495.0005
Deeper, she felt more lit up by it.

00:04:41,495.0005 --> 00:04:44,105.0005
And I think that honoring that.

00:04:44,765.0005 --> 00:04:53,425.0005
That wisdom and that whisper of your inner most desires is, is one of the most important and precious things you can do for yourself in your life.

00:04:53,875.0005 --> 00:05:03,55.0005
Um, I hope our conversation starts out very casually because I had just hit record before we're ready to start talking about whatever the conversation is for the podcast.

00:05:04,45.0005 --> 00:05:09,25.0005
And she's sharing how she's expanding on this way of being outside of work.

00:05:09,25.0005 --> 00:05:13,135.0005
And now she's currently, taking the leap and buying a lake house and.

00:05:13,615.0005 --> 00:05:20,185.0005
Uh, After hearing this conversation, I'm sure you'll truly be able to feel her.

00:05:20,875.0005 --> 00:05:24,355.0005
Innate curiosity and openness and love.

00:05:24,695.0005 --> 00:05:33,185.0005
For life and everything that she encounters really Sarah is a huge inspiration and I'm, I'm so happy to bring her to you on, on the show.

00:05:33,545.0005 --> 00:05:37,985.0005
If you want to learn more about Sarah, check out the show notes, where you can get into her world.

00:05:38,15.0005 --> 00:05:40,655.0005
She also has a podcast called entering motherhood.

00:05:40,655.0005 --> 00:05:41,825.0005
You can go find her there.

00:05:42,305.0005 --> 00:05:45,5.0005
Without further ado here is Sarah.

00:05:45,573.17306236 --> 00:05:47,363.07306236
Um, okay.

00:05:48,583.07306236 --> 00:05:54,773.07306236
Is the house nearby or? So, yeah, so we're still staying, um, in our current house.

00:05:55,43.07306236 --> 00:05:58,613.07306236
And we're getting a second property out by a lake.

00:05:59,293.07306236 --> 00:06:00,703.07306236
Oh my gosh.

00:06:01,353.07306236 --> 00:06:03,43.07306236
That's amazing.

00:06:03,613.07306236 --> 00:06:04,543.07306236
We're super excited.

00:06:04,543.07306236 --> 00:06:09,903.07306236
Like we were kind of like we wanted a mountain house or a lake house or something along those lines.

00:06:09,903.07306236 --> 00:06:16,493.07306236
And so we've been looking and we found this cute little two bedroom like blue cottage kind of vibe.

00:06:16,678.17306236 --> 00:06:18,907.97306236
Oh my god.

00:06:19,468.07306236 --> 00:06:23,608.07306236
It has like a private pond in the backyard and it's so dreamy.

00:06:24,288.07306236 --> 00:06:29,248.07206236
What, like, how many, how do you even process so many huge changes at once? Oh my god.

00:06:29,338.07206236 --> 00:06:31,358.07306236
I feel like that's how it goes though.

00:06:31,368.07306236 --> 00:06:34,888.07306236
Like, my husband says I can never do like one thing at a time.

00:06:35,208.07306236 --> 00:06:36,508.07206236
Yeah, yeah.

00:06:36,508.07206236 --> 00:06:38,498.07306236
It's like, okay, we're overhauling the whole thing.

00:06:38,578.07306236 --> 00:06:39,208.07306236

00:06:40,348.07306236 --> 00:06:42,178.07306236
Oh my god, that's huge.

00:06:43,38.07306236 --> 00:06:43,908.07306236
It is.

00:06:43,928.07306236 --> 00:06:50,558.07306236
It's very exciting, but we're also like, how is it all gonna work out? But also like, oh, it's gotta work out.

00:06:52,528.07306236 --> 00:06:53,128.07306236
It'll work out.

00:06:53,238.07306236 --> 00:06:54,718.07306236
There'll be no choice but to work out.

00:06:55,328.07306236 --> 00:06:55,928.07306236
Oh, man.

00:06:57,8.07306236 --> 00:06:57,968.07306236
Well, congratulations.

00:06:57,988.07306236 --> 00:06:58,958.07206236
That's incredible.

00:06:59,858.07306236 --> 00:07:00,788.07306236

00:07:00,788.07306236 --> 00:07:02,178.07306236
Almost sitting down.

00:07:04,448.07306236 --> 00:07:04,718.07306236

00:07:05,788.07306236 --> 00:07:20,373.07306236
Yeah, I very last minute, um, very last minute, I mean like a week before, not even a full week, decided to keep my Done my five year old home from daycare for the summer.

00:07:20,943.07306236 --> 00:07:28,443.07256236
In an effort to, I was like, I'm already with a three year old full time and our whole thing is like, we can't afford to send them both.

00:07:28,443.07256236 --> 00:07:35,993.07206236
I'm like, I certainly can save for the summer when I'm already home with one and then have at least a few months saved up going into spa.

00:07:36,543.07206236 --> 00:07:40,313.07206236
So now, I'm with both of them all day.

00:07:40,643.07206236 --> 00:07:40,973.07206236

00:07:40,973.07206236 --> 00:07:41,573.07206236
Every day.

00:07:42,78.07306236 --> 00:07:45,678.07306236
And it's kind of like, well, what am I going to do? Let's not do any work ever.

00:07:46,198.07306236 --> 00:07:57,568.07306236
Now it's just like, well, I just have to be more Distraction and you know, whatever, but yeah, yeah, that's it.

00:07:57,568.07306236 --> 00:07:58,438.07306236
I have no idea.

00:07:59,258.07306236 --> 00:08:07,458.07306236
Yeah, I have no idea what stay at home mom life is going to be like, and I'm still going to be doing my doula work and everything like that, but I don't know.

00:08:07,468.07306236 --> 00:08:08,938.07256236
It's going to be it's going to be fun.

00:08:08,938.07256236 --> 00:08:12,468.07306236
And then our yeah, our oldest will be five and she'll start kindergarten.

00:08:12,478.07306236 --> 00:08:14,698.07306236
So it's really like for the summer, both of them.

00:08:15,318.07306236 --> 00:08:17,508.07306236
And then, and then she'll start school.

00:08:17,538.07306236 --> 00:08:19,968.07306236
So that's really the best timing.

00:08:19,968.07306236 --> 00:08:22,148.07306236
You're, you're sliding in under the buzzer.

00:08:22,238.07306236 --> 00:08:25,378.07306236
You know what I mean? That's so great.

00:08:25,898.07206236 --> 00:08:27,808.07306236
Yeah, all right.

00:08:27,808.07306236 --> 00:08:33,288.07306236
So what, what do you want to talk about today? Yeah, I guess.

00:08:33,328.07306236 --> 00:08:35,788.07306236
I mean, like, motherhood, of course.

00:08:36,278.07306236 --> 00:08:38,158.07306236
I can go into whatever.

00:08:38,998.07306236 --> 00:08:57,848.07306236
Well, I really love When you first, when you first messaged me back when I posted that I'm sick of talking to myself on the podcast, you said something around, it was like creating, creating or life or artistry, I don't know, something about creatorship or artistry.

00:08:57,848.07306236 --> 00:08:58,678.07306236

00:08:59,133.07306236 --> 00:09:17,352.87306236
But I think what's so interesting and what's so totally relevant to what's going on for you right now, oh, boy, you're like, wow, what did I get myself into full life right now? I usually don't.

00:09:17,372.87306236 --> 00:09:22,842.87306236
I usually don't, have them around for podcasts, but I have the last, yes.

00:09:22,842.87306236 --> 00:09:23,712.87406236
That is so cool.

00:09:23,712.87406236 --> 00:09:24,132.87406236

00:09:24,532.87406236 --> 00:09:38,512.87406236
Um, listen, can you, maybe you can write down all the facts that you think to tell me, because right now mommy's going to be on, uh, talking, okay, buddy, you're so cute.

00:09:39,172.87406236 --> 00:09:56,592.87406236
So, um, you know what I think is so interesting to talk about, especially in the season that you're in right now, like with so much change of foot, um, you know, this idea of creating life or creating life.

00:09:56,942.87406236 --> 00:10:07,612.87406236
A life, like whatever the hell that means and recreating it, not being beholden to the life that you've already committed to or the, the blueprint that you've seen elsewhere.

00:10:07,622.87406236 --> 00:10:15,587.87306236
You know what I mean? I feel like you're totally going And now I'm home full time, and now we have a lake house, and now we, you know.

00:10:15,607.87306236 --> 00:10:16,587.87306236

00:10:16,977.87306236 --> 00:10:37,437.87306236
Yeah, it really is, like, I mean, it's kind of, you know, having a vision and figuring out, like, what do you want that to look like? And then what are the steps and what's that journey of getting there? And sometimes like, like I said, I have no idea how it's going to work out or what it's going to be like and we've never had both kids on full time with me.

00:10:37,787.87306236 --> 00:10:41,457.87306236
They've always been in daycare unless I was on maternity leave.

00:10:41,547.87206236 --> 00:10:51,887.87306236
So it's like a lot of change, but I'm super excited for it because it's something, it's a change that I want and a change that I decided to have.

00:10:52,792.87306236 --> 00:11:25,237.87206236
Have been planning for as opposed to, you know, like where it's not a change that happened that was unexpected or, um, you know, not planned, but, you know, what I think is so interesting is that it's, and you said, like, when you have your vision, you go, oftentimes you, especially because what we're doing is so Unique to us, the vision didn't exist before it like alchemized in us, right? Like the same thing of our babies, right? Like we don't see it's all inside.

00:11:25,267.87206236 --> 00:11:26,797.87256236
You don't see what's going on.

00:11:27,77.87256236 --> 00:11:35,107.87256236
but you're moving like with this like deep, instinct and, uh, intention and intuitiveness, whatever intuition.

00:11:35,577.87256236 --> 00:11:36,327.87256236

00:11:36,337.87256236 --> 00:11:37,207.87256236
Um, so.

00:11:37,812.87256236 --> 00:11:38,282.87256236
I don't know.

00:11:38,282.87256236 --> 00:11:43,212.87256236
What does that look like? Maybe if you could talk about how that has shown up for you.

00:11:43,252.87256236 --> 00:11:59,592.87156236
So first, let's introduce you, Sarah and like the, the work that you do and, and maybe just a little background about the transition you're in right now and the work you're in before and what you're doing now.

00:11:59,592.87156236 --> 00:12:03,92.87156236
And then we can like roll deeper into this conversation we've just stumbled upon.

00:12:03,582.87056236 --> 00:12:04,502.87056236

00:12:04,887.87156236 --> 00:12:07,387.87156236
Yeah, so I am Sarah Marie Bilger.

00:12:07,587.87156236 --> 00:12:15,737.87056236
I am a mom, and I have been doing engineering pretty much since I graduated from college.

00:12:15,737.87156236 --> 00:12:17,767.87156236
That's what I went to school for.

00:12:18,87.87156236 --> 00:12:19,27.87156236
That's what I studied.

00:12:19,37.87156236 --> 00:12:20,777.87156236
That's what I have been doing.

00:12:21,147.87156236 --> 00:12:48,872.77156236
And then I had children, and I entered motherhood, and my whole life shifted and changed, and I was like, That's What do I want to be doing? Is this what I want to be doing? Do I want to, you know, be in an office, day in and day out, send my kids to daycare, only see them for a little bit of time before bedtime, and then, you know, obviously as they get older, things like change and adjust, but it just wasn't aligned with me anymore, and it wasn't what That's it.

00:12:48,992.87156236 --> 00:12:50,952.87156236
I thought I was meant to be doing.

00:12:51,292.87156236 --> 00:13:16,452.87156236
And so I really started this journey of, like, self exploration and figuring out, like, what I was passionate about and what really lit me up and how I can choose what I love and bring that into, um, something that can bring in income, really kind of, like, be passion driven and more aligned with the life that we were creating and, and going forward with.

00:13:16,452.87156236 --> 00:13:17,122.87156236
And so.

00:13:17,927.87156236 --> 00:13:35,67.87056236
After a long, long, like, trial and error of many different things, um, I have been a doula now for, I guess my first birth was almost like four or five years ago, but I really kind of like stepped into it and decided that's what I'm doing more so two years ago.

00:13:35,167.87156236 --> 00:13:45,677.87156236
And now, this week, exactly! I'm leaving my engineering job because I have picked up in clients and really kind of expand it on what's possible.

00:13:45,787.87156236 --> 00:13:48,817.87156236
And so kids are coming out of daycare.

00:13:49,27.87156236 --> 00:13:51,517.87156236
I'm stay at home mom slash doula.

00:13:53,137.87156236 --> 00:13:57,7.87056236
And it's all changing, but it's been a process.

00:13:57,857.87156236 --> 00:14:00,547.87156236
And you have your own podcast as well, right? Yep.

00:14:00,677.87156236 --> 00:14:01,17.87156236

00:14:01,57.87156236 --> 00:14:06,707.87156236
And I also started entering motherhood, I guess that was about maybe three and a half years ago.

00:14:07,407.87156236 --> 00:14:08,947.87156236
It will be four years in January.

00:14:09,417.87156236 --> 00:14:13,957.87056236
So it's, it's been a wild ride, but I love it.

00:14:15,357.87056236 --> 00:14:50,527.87156236
So this idea of kind of listening to or seeing the feeling before actually the thing or the Specificity around what it might look like, AKA, uh, coming home full time and pulling the kid out of daycare and having two kids at home and, you know, figuring all of this out and what you still actually, you're like, what will it look like? I'm not sure because I haven't been in it yet, but this idea of, um, taking action on our intuition and, um, and I, I'm sure that you could speak to it in ways that we've been.

00:14:51,37.87156236 --> 00:14:55,887.87156236
Uh, what that looks like in birth and pregnancy because you're with women on that journey.

00:14:55,887.87156236 --> 00:14:57,617.87156236
You've been on that journey yourself.

00:14:57,927.87156236 --> 00:15:04,857.87056236
Um, just, yeah, whatever you want to speak to on that, like how it's playing out in your life right now and what you see in the birth space.

00:15:05,322.87156236 --> 00:15:05,832.87156236

00:15:05,992.87156236 --> 00:15:06,282.87156236

00:15:06,282.87156236 --> 00:15:07,122.87156236
Exactly to that.

00:15:07,122.87156236 --> 00:15:16,882.87156236
I mean, most of the time, first time parents, even, you know, second time, third time, however many kids they're having, they're always like, what is it going to be like? What's going to happen? Like, I don't know what I don't know.

00:15:16,882.87156236 --> 00:15:26,822.87056236
And you know, um, even just, I had two births literally this past week, which is very unusual, but one mom was late and then the other one went early.

00:15:26,942.87056236 --> 00:15:47,127.87156236
So it all kind of meshed in, in like literally the same timeframe, but you know, a lot of Then they're just like, well, what's going to happen? Or like, what does this feel like? What does that feel like? How am I going to know? And sometimes you'll hear like, oh, like, you'll just know, like, if you start having contractions, you'll just know.

00:15:47,127.87156236 --> 00:15:52,747.87156236
And so for most of us, maybe that's true, but for other people, it could be like, I'm not sure.

00:15:52,757.87056236 --> 00:16:26,312.87156236
Is this real? Is this, you know, labor? It's, it's a lot of, like, I always say, Typically it's like this, but I've seen this happen, I've seen that happen, you know, it's like typically you'll dilate, you know, maybe a centimeter every hour, but I've seen people progress super quickly, so like don't take cervical checks like for what it is, it's just like how are you feeling and what's going on, and so it's really just like the unpredictability of it, but knowing that like, You're going to get a baby in the end.

00:16:26,312.87156236 --> 00:16:44,442.8705624
And, you know, for this, like, it's just kind of, you know, knowing that like, there's going to be some sort of outcome, there's going to be, you know, changes, but I see it with excitement rather than, afraid, like, I'm like, I can always go back to engineering.

00:16:44,442.8705624 --> 00:16:50,912.8705624
I know what that's like, you know, I can always go to my quote unquote safety net of, of what that's like.

00:16:51,242.8705624 --> 00:16:52,972.8705624
But I would.

00:16:53,652.8705624 --> 00:16:59,392.8705624
Be like kicking myself if I never tried to go another direction.

00:16:59,392.8705624 --> 00:17:16,902.8705624
I don't want to, I hear so many stories of people like, Oh, like I wish I would have done this when I was younger or like, Oh yeah, like I just did this for my job and then now I'm retired and I, you know, I'm finding hobbies or passions and this and that, and it's like, I don't want to wait to do that.

00:17:16,902.8705624 --> 00:17:22,522.8705624
And I want to, you know, be able to explore different options and opportunities because.

00:17:22,877.8705624 --> 00:17:33,337.8705624
You know, our kids grow up fast and they're already, I mean, I have an almost five year old and a two year old and I'm excited to just spend more time with them.

00:17:33,337.8705624 --> 00:17:33,737.8700624

00:17:33,737.8700624 --> 00:17:41,567.8705624
It's so funny, like hearing you talk about how you talk your clients through like all of these variables and how they're looking to you for answers.

00:17:41,567.8705624 --> 00:17:45,937.8705624
And you're like, If I'm doing my job responsibly, I can't give you an answer.

00:17:45,937.9705624 --> 00:17:52,277.8700624
Like, I wish I could tell you this is exactly how it's going to be, but also not really.

00:17:52,277.8700624 --> 00:18:02,977.8705624
Cause where's the magic in that, but also it just, it's not realistic to expect like the plan to go as planned in birth slash in life.

00:18:03,477.8705624 --> 00:18:14,672.8705624
Um, can you, can you go back a little bit? With your own birth, um, and I'm assuming your interest in becoming a doula happened afterwards, the way you're talking.

00:18:14,942.8705624 --> 00:18:27,287.7705624
So like what, maybe what did that look like for you? What was your experience in the birth space look like as you were moving through it as a first time mom? And then as you decided to dive into it on that caregiver side.

00:18:27,777.8705624 --> 00:18:28,437.8705624

00:18:28,547.8705624 --> 00:18:28,877.8705624

00:18:28,877.8705624 --> 00:18:33,227.8705624
I mean, I was, you know, corporate working person to the T.

00:18:33,227.8705624 --> 00:18:39,247.8705624
I was type A, very like, we're gonna have a baby and it's all just gonna work in the mix somehow.

00:18:39,257.8705624 --> 00:18:41,777.8695624
Like, you know, we'll just send them off to daycare.

00:18:41,777.8695624 --> 00:18:42,777.8705624
I'll keep working.

00:18:43,47.8705624 --> 00:18:43,987.8705624
It is what it is.

00:18:43,987.8705624 --> 00:18:46,397.8695624
And, you know, we're gonna be a family.

00:18:46,417.8705624 --> 00:18:52,587.7705624
And, um, while, yes, that happened, it was also like, I don't have that it.

00:18:52,917.8705624 --> 00:18:56,957.8705624
Drive for this corporate environment as much anymore.

00:18:56,957.8705624 --> 00:19:03,377.8705624
I have, you know, I'm torn between wanting to be with my baby and wanting to do a good job at work.

00:19:03,377.8705624 --> 00:19:15,287.8695624
And when I'm at work, I'm thinking of her and you know, when I'm with her, I'm like, am I doing enough at work? Am I being a good enough employee? Am I, you know, all of these things, like you're really kind of finding that balance.

00:19:15,317.8695624 --> 00:19:21,942.8705624
And while I was able to find that balance and I was able to like, thrive in that environment and be okay with it.

00:19:21,992.8705624 --> 00:19:24,662.8705624
It still just didn't feel aligned.

00:19:24,682.8705624 --> 00:19:34,792.8705624
And also what really like led me to do the work was Rosie, our oldest, our first, um, she was born through an unplanned cesarean.

00:19:35,142.8695624 --> 00:19:38,692.8705624
I was kind of like, Hey, we're going to have this unmedicated birth.

00:19:38,712.8705624 --> 00:19:42,372.8705624
Everything's going to go perfect and it's going to be great.

00:19:42,412.8705624 --> 00:19:44,702.8705624
And it just didn't go that way.

00:19:44,712.8705624 --> 00:19:46,532.8705624
And so I was really thrown off.

00:19:46,532.8705624 --> 00:19:46,792.8705624

00:19:47,482.8705624 --> 00:19:51,572.8705624
Kind of confused that like, well, like, why? Like I took the birth class.

00:19:51,572.8705624 --> 00:20:00,902.8695624
I read the books, like, why didn't it happen? And I think there was really just this disconnect between my body and my emotions and the flowing through it.

00:20:00,902.8705624 --> 00:20:09,882.8705624
And the really kind of feeling what birth can be and what, you know, it's not, you can't just read a book and you're going to birth a baby.

00:20:09,882.8705624 --> 00:20:12,452.8705624
Like, um, you know, again, like.

00:20:12,587.8705624 --> 00:20:19,87.8705624
Like for some people, sure, like you can just walk into the hospital, sneeze out your baby and then everything's fine.

00:20:19,87.8705624 --> 00:20:28,987.8705624
But for most of us, it really is like this very intentional, um, deep work that comes with how you want to birth your baby and what that looks like.

00:20:29,17.8695624 --> 00:20:35,407.8705624
Because if you don't have a clear set vision, it will just happen to you.

00:20:35,447.8705624 --> 00:20:47,597.8705624
And there might be some things that later on you're You know, not, I don't want to, like, excited about, like, you don't look back on it with such joy that you could.

00:20:47,967.8705624 --> 00:21:00,477.8695624
Um, there's, like, little bits and pieces that you maybe don't remember or, um, really didn't feel okay with, but you didn't know what all your options were, you didn't know what decisions to make.

00:21:00,907.8705624 --> 00:21:13,537.8695624
Um, And so I really feel like it's just like informing parents of all the different decisions that there are, um, and seeing like what's possible and what's really practical for what they're looking for.

00:21:13,887.8705624 --> 00:21:19,817.8705624
But with my experience, it was just kind of like, okay, there has to be something else that I'm missing.

00:21:20,347.8695624 --> 00:21:23,987.8705624
And I very much like want it to, um, look more into it.

00:21:23,997.8705624 --> 00:21:29,117.8705624
So I was talking to midwives in the area, another birth workers and things like that.

00:21:29,487.8705624 --> 00:21:33,147.8705624
Um, and then I had my son and he was completely unmedicated.

00:21:33,177.8705624 --> 00:21:36,457.8705624
He was a VBAC, which is vaginal birth after cesarean.

00:21:36,907.8705624 --> 00:21:39,217.8695624
And I was like, okay, this is cool.

00:21:39,227.8705624 --> 00:21:42,777.8695624
Like, like there's really something to this.

00:21:42,807.8705624 --> 00:21:47,467.8705624
And like, now it wasn't only what I was like talking and like preaching.

00:21:47,497.8705624 --> 00:21:48,787.8705624
I physically.

00:21:49,72.8705624 --> 00:22:01,722.8705624
Went through it myself, so I felt so much more validated in the things that I was like learning about and and hearing and really kind of like bringing into what I was like telling other people.

00:22:01,982.8705624 --> 00:22:04,372.8695624
Um, so it's really just.

00:22:06,632.8705624 --> 00:22:12,482.8705624
I don't know, like a journey and, and really kind of like uncovering, um, what I like about it.

00:22:12,482.8705624 --> 00:22:15,882.8700624
And I just feel like I'm, I'm so much more meant to do this.

00:22:15,882.8700624 --> 00:22:17,622.8705624
And like, I also do postpartum care.

00:22:18,12.8705624 --> 00:22:19,962.8705624
I'm caring for twins right now.

00:22:20,772.8705624 --> 00:22:24,212.7705624
And like, I come over and the mom's like, I don't know what I'm doing.

00:22:24,212.8705624 --> 00:22:26,292.8705624
Like they're not sleeping, help.

00:22:26,322.8705624 --> 00:22:29,952.8705624
And within like a few minutes, like I have them both like down and content.

00:22:29,962.8705624 --> 00:22:32,637.8705624
And I just, I don't know.

00:22:32,637.8705624 --> 00:22:33,967.8705624
I love to snuggle babies.

00:22:33,967.8705624 --> 00:22:47,527.8700624
I love to like help moms and families overall, but you know, just give them like tips and tricks of how to really just go through it because I feel like it comes very natural for me.

00:22:47,527.8700624 --> 00:22:49,717.8705624
And I know that's not the case for a lot of people.

00:22:51,302.8705624 --> 00:23:07,932.8705624
It sounds like a big part of what you do is centered around uncovering choice, just choice, choice, choice, awareness, you know, because sometimes maybe the choice you're making is not exactly the choice that will for sure be available to you in that moment.

00:23:08,292.8695624 --> 00:23:13,362.8695624
Um, but uncovering choice so that you can make the most informed decision for yourself.

00:23:13,362.8695624 --> 00:23:15,832.8705624
And like, of course, this is a microcosm for life.

00:23:16,202.8705624 --> 00:23:21,377.8705624
And right now you're doing this like in uncharted territory yourself.

00:23:21,637.8705624 --> 00:23:27,997.8705624
And also I think it was interesting that you said the first time around was the, the tough one, right? Where things didn't go as planned.

00:23:27,997.8705624 --> 00:23:31,887.8705624
You're like, what the fuck? And then the second time you're like, this is awesome.

00:23:32,267.8695624 --> 00:24:16,792.8695624
I mean, obviously there was a lot of different differences, but can you isolate like the key variables that changed, that unlocked that new experience for you? Yeah, I think it's a lot of mindset and it's a lot of really kind of Asking yourself those hard questions or saying like what do you really want it to look like? And how are we taking steps to get there? Like with my first I was just kind of like I heard the idea of unmedicated birth and I heard that you know You can just like go into the hospital and that can happen And I just sort of like I will be able to get through any feelings that I have and, um, So she was a sync clinic, which is kind of like coming out sideways, like her head was a little tilt.

00:24:17,232.8705624 --> 00:24:22,912.8695624
And, um, she was, um, positioned like forward facing instead of like facing towards the back.

00:24:22,912.8695624 --> 00:24:27,622.7705624
So it was like, very poor positioning and a lot of pressure.

00:24:27,622.8705624 --> 00:24:57,192.8705624
Pressure early on a lot of just different sensations that are not that great Um, and I I didn't know what to do and I froze I kept on saying like this isn't like my water broke first That was like the first sign of labor just my water breaking and in my class that I took they said oh It's not gonna happen that way your water will break way later into pregnancy And so my like Type A personality and like my perfectionism and, and all of these things that it was like, very rigid.

00:24:57,212.8705624 --> 00:25:05,432.8705624
Like, you know, I was good at taking tests and like good at passing things and like, and all of a sudden it was like, this isn't the way it's supposed to be.

00:25:05,472.8695624 --> 00:25:08,912.8695624
Like, I vividly remember saying like, this isn't how it's supposed to be.

00:25:08,952.8705624 --> 00:25:10,32.8705624
This isn't how it's supposed to be.

00:25:10,32.8705624 --> 00:25:12,292.8705624
And I couldn't get out of that.

00:25:12,692.8705624 --> 00:25:18,722.8705624
I was just stuck in this, you know, loop mentally that I just kept on.

00:25:18,822.8705624 --> 00:25:20,12.8705624
I didn't know what to do.

00:25:20,12.8705624 --> 00:25:21,672.8705624
I didn't know how to snap out of it.

00:25:21,972.8705624 --> 00:25:24,602.8705624
I just kept on like thinking this isn't what I want.

00:25:24,602.8705624 --> 00:25:27,452.8705624
This isn't, you know, what's supposed to happen.

00:25:27,742.8705624 --> 00:25:29,572.8695624
I prepared myself for this.

00:25:29,872.8695624 --> 00:25:31,2.8705624
This is happening.

00:25:31,382.8715624 --> 00:25:31,722.8715624

00:25:31,722.9715624 --> 00:25:42,952.8705624
And here and like, and it's a very, That's, I mean, it's a very scary place to be in life, in birth, in any situation.

00:25:43,162.8705624 --> 00:25:43,572.8705624

00:25:43,572.8705624 --> 00:25:57,972.8705624
So, how, like, did you break out of that? Was that kind of with you the whole birth and, and, you know, how do you draw on that now in life as you are continuing to break out of, you know, what you might have been prepared for? Yeah.

00:25:58,312.8705624 --> 00:26:35,627.8705624
I mean, I think, like, You know, in some situations in life, like, if it's not the way you want, or it's not the way, like, you know, you plan for this and that, you might be able to, like, pivot, and you have a little bit more time, and you can kind of, like, reevaluate and think, with birth, there isn't any time, like, there is, but there isn't, it's kind of like, look, like, Like, baby's coming, um, you're having contractions, there's stuff going on, like, you literally have to just snap out of it right now and figure out what plan B is, or you're just gonna be stuck in this loop.

00:26:35,677.8705624 --> 00:26:49,932.8705624
And like, yes, in life, like, I mean, like, that happens, like, people get stuck in, like, I didn't want to be here, I didn't want my life to look like this, and you'll just stay You'll stay, you'll stay exactly where you are because you can't pivot out of that.

00:26:49,932.8705624 --> 00:26:57,552.8700624
And if there's not somebody, you know, they're able to be like, Hey, look, like, you know, we can work through this and like, we can get out of this.

00:26:57,552.8700624 --> 00:26:58,452.8705624
Like, let's go.

00:26:58,742.8705624 --> 00:27:02,932.8705624
And also you need to be willing to say like, yeah, you're right.

00:27:03,12.8705624 --> 00:27:03,842.8705624
I can.

00:27:04,122.8705624 --> 00:27:06,922.8705624
And like, Like, let's figure out another way.

00:27:06,932.8705624 --> 00:27:19,482.8695624
Like I, I had a duo for my first and like, she was trying to redirect a little bit and I just kept on saying like, nope, nope, I don't want, like, I was just, you know, stubborn and stuck.

00:27:19,492.8705624 --> 00:27:32,682.8705624
And so I really feel like working on mindset and figuring out a plan B, you know, if all of a sudden they start saying like, Hey, this is happening with baby, like, we really feel like you need to go for a cesarean, you have to be.

00:27:33,32.8705624 --> 00:27:56,212.8705624
Ready and say like, okay, like, is that my only option? And like, if that is the route that we're going, you know, I want this, that, and that, like knowing just like what your options are, even if the plan goes worst case scenario, um, how can we pivot in that? And it's tough to like, think of all those things.

00:27:56,212.8705624 --> 00:27:56,922.8705624
Like I, I don't.

00:27:57,467.8705624 --> 00:28:02,677.8705624
Expects people to like dwell on worst case scenarios for, for life, for birth, whatever.

00:28:02,897.8705624 --> 00:28:14,37.8705624
But just like having the, you know, I mean, like with like, we're getting a separate second property, we're having a lake house, like we're going to be doing construction and renovations and stuff like that.

00:28:14,222.8705624 --> 00:28:19,822.8705624
So like worst case scenario, we find something, it's like a money pit, you know, it's all of these things.

00:28:19,822.8705624 --> 00:28:23,212.8705624
And it's like, but we know that and we know what we're getting into.

00:28:23,732.8695624 --> 00:28:26,52.8705624
And so we're, we're fine with that.

00:28:26,52.8705624 --> 00:28:28,292.8705624
And we know what our options are.

00:28:28,952.8695624 --> 00:28:33,342.8705624
I think in so many different situations, it really just helps you feel.

00:28:33,682.8705624 --> 00:28:39,352.8705624
Better about making that decision when, you know, what could go wrong or what could happen.

00:28:40,582.8705624 --> 00:28:52,682.8705624
Um, and you feel more prepared that even, even, even more than being, having the doom list, doom and gloom list memorized, which I've memorized plenty of my day.

00:28:53,432.8705624 --> 00:29:00,107.8705624
But even more so than that, it seems that, um, being really rooted into what you know.

00:29:01,22.8705624 --> 00:29:03,2.8705624
Feels good and right for you.

00:29:03,172.8705624 --> 00:29:16,162.8695624
Like, so no matter what unexpected situation can come your way, like you kind of know how to carry yourself through or how to at least ground yourself into like, okay, if I have to get a cesarean, like, you know, I need this.

00:29:16,162.8705624 --> 00:29:17,732.8705624
I need this music playing.

00:29:17,742.8705624 --> 00:29:18,372.8695624
I need this.

00:29:18,582.8705624 --> 00:29:21,42.8705624
Like I, I know the ways in which to support myself.

00:29:21,62.8705624 --> 00:29:23,932.8705624
If this is a money pit and this is happening, like.

00:29:24,397.8705624 --> 00:29:26,417.8705624
One, we need to make jokes out of it.

00:29:26,457.8705624 --> 00:29:33,207.8695624
Otherwise I will cry and cry and cry or, you know, just like it from the most rudimentary to the most intense, serious ways to support yourself.

00:29:33,597.8705624 --> 00:29:41,447.8695624
And, um, yeah, I think about my own birth, which I don't, you know what, as you're talking about this, I think it's very interesting that I don't.

00:29:41,747.8705624 --> 00:29:44,297.8705624
remember a lot of the details of my own birth.

00:29:44,297.8705624 --> 00:29:46,727.8705624
And I think like, it was a very traumatic experience for me.

00:29:46,727.8705624 --> 00:29:55,657.8705624
And my first one, like from start to postpartum, I had like really unexpected, uh, postpartum anxiety and depression, like really badly.

00:29:55,657.8705624 --> 00:29:56,597.8705624
I had mastitis.

00:29:56,607.8705624 --> 00:29:59,677.8695624
I had that I was in labor for like three days.

00:29:59,687.8705624 --> 00:30:00,907.8705624
It was so painful.

00:30:00,997.8705624 --> 00:30:13,997.8705624
I didn't even know I could, move or I was too scared to even move to the point where when I had my second kid and I was in dose with Pitocin because he, none of my kids want to leave my body.

00:30:14,367.8705624 --> 00:30:26,97.8705624
Um, I didn't have a doula either time, which I, it wasn't even something I thought of, like, wasn't even in my, wasn't like I said no to it, just didn't even think about having it, which makes me a little sad.

00:30:26,527.8705624 --> 00:30:33,107.8715624
Um, but, I, I remember being like, wow, I am very intolerant of pain.

00:30:33,217.8705624 --> 00:30:40,827.8705624
I will want to cry over a paper cut and the moving and the bouncing on the, on the ball felt so much better.

00:30:40,827.8705624 --> 00:30:42,437.8705624
I almost thought I could do it unmedicated.

00:30:42,837.8705624 --> 00:30:49,257.8705624
And I was like, Oh my God, I was laying horizontal for days in excruciating pain.

00:30:49,487.8705624 --> 00:30:57,397.8695624
And of course, at a certain point, I couldn't, you know, move anyway after a certain point, but still I was like, I had no idea it wouldn't hurt as bad.

00:30:58,227.8705624 --> 00:30:58,737.8695624
Take that.

00:30:59,192.9330624 --> 00:31:02,22.9330624
Comment and apply it to life and everything else.

00:31:02,23.0330624 --> 00:31:03,722.8330624

00:31:03,722.9330624 --> 00:31:12,452.9330624
Yeah, it really is kind of like sometimes you shock yourself at like, oh, like, like, I mean, my one client this past week, like, she knew for sure she wanted the epidural.

00:31:12,452.9330624 --> 00:31:13,802.9330624
That was like part of the plan.

00:31:13,812.9330624 --> 00:31:16,542.9320624
She just didn't know, like, when it was going to happen, things like that.

00:31:16,792.9320624 --> 00:31:20,932.9330624
But like afterwards, she was like, Oh, like I, I knew it was going to be a big needle.

00:31:20,942.9330624 --> 00:31:23,612.9330624
Like, you know, I was a little bit scared, but like, it really wasn't that bad.

00:31:23,862.9330624 --> 00:31:32,522.9330624
And like, it was like the, all this like expectation and all of this hype of, of what it could be like, that you're kind of making yourself.

00:31:32,912.9340624 --> 00:32:31,797.9330624
Worry so much more than the reality of like how it's gonna be We have this trampoline park near us that we've gone to and it has like a high jump into that one of those it's not a trampoline But it's like a big block floaty thing and so like you jump off the high jump and like land on the pad and Here I am, like, in my 30s deciding that, like, I'm gonna do it because it was scary, like, it seemed like that's really high up and I'm up there and I'm sweating and it was maybe, like, a 10 foot drop and I just jumped and I did it and I was like, oh, that was not that bad at all and, like, my husband took a video and it just looked so much more I Simple, then like, when I was up at the top of there, like, sweating and freaking out, and then I was like, I could do it again, and again, once you kind of break that seal and you do the hard thing, it's like, oh, actually, it wasn't that bad.

00:32:32,67.9320624 --> 00:32:50,907.9330624
Your threshold increases! Yes! And you know what else it makes me think of? It makes me think of, uh, from one baby, from baby number one to baby number two, baby number two, I was like, what was our problem? Like, of course, like all respect given, like, of course you don't have any context, but like, I think.

00:32:51,127.9330624 --> 00:32:57,617.9330624
When I had my second one, I was like, this is so much more manageable than when they're mobile.

00:32:59,457.9330624 --> 00:33:10,277.9320624
So it's just so interesting and funny how it's all relative and everyone's experience is so independent and so unique and in their own, but also how vastly it changes.

00:33:10,952.9330624 --> 00:33:11,722.9330624

00:33:12,852.9330624 --> 00:33:40,197.9330624
So with what you're doing now in your life, what would you say makes you most excited and makes you most nervous and how do you find yourself navigating that? Yeah, I think, and it's funny because like this is like a conversation that I had with my daughter recently because we were talking between excitement and nervousness and like those two feelings kind of like overlapping and intertwining.

00:33:40,197.9330624 --> 00:33:47,897.9330624
So, like, I'm really excited to get this lake house, but I'm also, like, very nervous what that's going to entail.

00:33:47,897.9330624 --> 00:33:57,77.9325624
So, it's understanding, like, okay, like, is my nervousness actually just excitement? Because it's sort of, like, new and I don't know what to expect.

00:33:57,347.9325624 --> 00:34:18,567.9320624
And so, being able to, like, flip the script and all these things that, you might be nervous about and, and say okay, actually, could it be excitement and how can we like look at it in that perspective? But, you know, like again, like having my kids stay home full time, like I hear stories of people that are stay at home moms.

00:34:18,567.9320624 --> 00:34:24,507.9325624
And I know that there's challenges that come with it just as much as like there's challenges of working moms and things like that.

00:34:24,797.9325624 --> 00:34:27,787.9325624
And I'm super excited to see what that.

00:34:28,262.9325624 --> 00:35:00,792.9335624
Switch is going to be like and, and understand, you know, having them home all the time, because on the weekends, sure, I'm with them all the time and I can tolerate them and everything's great, but you know, are they going to take naps or are there going to be more tantrums? Are we going to get, you know, stuck in the house and need to go out somewhere or, are we always going to be out somewhere? And I think it's just processing that and not knowing what it's going to be like, but being okay with it because up until this point, like, everything's worked out fine.

00:35:00,822.9335624 --> 00:35:08,742.9335624
So I don't and it's not really, uh, a coincidence.

00:35:08,742.9335624 --> 00:35:10,332.9335624
I feel I feel like it.

00:35:10,717.9335624 --> 00:35:18,107.9335624
Everything will be okay when we are like tethered to like acting in our truth and in our alignment.

00:35:18,197.9335624 --> 00:35:18,437.9335624

00:35:18,447.9335624 --> 00:35:21,657.9335624
So it's not even like there's a right or wrong answer.

00:35:21,657.9335624 --> 00:35:24,417.9335624
There isn't like in any thing at all.

00:35:24,457.9335624 --> 00:35:34,217.8335624
Because even if you choose, even if I think the most quote unquote obvious wrong thing you could do is choose something you knew in your gut, you know, those moments where you knew.

00:35:34,527.9335624 --> 00:35:37,77.9335624
choose something that you know in your gut's not right.

00:35:37,507.9335624 --> 00:35:42,117.9335624
But even in that, it's like whatever comes out of that is so important.

00:35:42,177.9335624 --> 00:35:42,927.9335624
It's so important.

00:35:43,97.9325624 --> 00:35:54,757.9320624
And it's an important, not only for whatever lesson learned, but like, even if it's so important to somatically like feel in your body and respect your instinct and be like, I felt that I knew it, I knew it.

00:35:54,957.9320624 --> 00:36:08,202.9320624
So it's like, and not, Favoring that like emphasis on the shame of like, I didn't listen to myself, but like, okay, now I have even more awareness about like what it feels like as a no in my body and what it feels like as a yes in my body.

00:36:08,652.9320624 --> 00:36:09,522.9320624

00:36:09,792.9320624 --> 00:36:10,92.9320624

00:36:10,92.9320624 --> 00:36:18,757.9320624
It really is that alignment and, and really tuning into that because yeah, I guess I am nervous about dropping the engineering part of me.

00:36:18,757.9320624 --> 00:36:21,7.9320624
And like I say, like I'm always gonna be an engineer.

00:36:21,7.9320624 --> 00:36:22,267.9320624
I'm always gonna have that mindset.

00:36:22,272.9320624 --> 00:36:23,437.9320624
I'm always gonna have like.

00:36:23,682.9320624 --> 00:36:25,912.9320624
The skill set to be able to do that.

00:36:25,912.9320624 --> 00:36:27,632.9320624
I love problem solving.

00:36:27,652.9320624 --> 00:36:40,92.9320624
I love analyzing different things in that aspect, but I'm not going to have that specific job title, that specific role that I'm, I'm practicing in a profession.

00:36:40,382.9320624 --> 00:36:45,222.9320624
Um, but I mean, I use that same mindset when it comes to my clients for birth.

00:36:45,222.9320624 --> 00:37:07,122.9320624
I use that same, you know, mindset when I'm playing with my kids and it's, probably just my own thinking what people are going to think, but I don't know like how some family and friends will perceive it or if they'll even notice or recognize I think like one time one of my cousins thought I was just like staying at home with the kids and like didn't even realize that I worked anymore and it's stuff like that.

00:37:07,122.9320624 --> 00:37:11,412.9320624
Like you don't typically stay up to date I mean, I have a lot of cousins.

00:37:11,792.9320624 --> 00:37:13,422.9320624
my mom was one of 10.

00:37:13,892.9320624 --> 00:37:18,772.9320624
And so on my mom's side, I have at least 30 cousins.

00:37:19,252.9310624 --> 00:37:26,262.8320624
And so to have to I don't even know what all of their professions are all of the time.

00:37:26,542.8320624 --> 00:37:36,787.8320624
Um, if they're like changing different jobs or doing something differently and like, We don't, you know, keep an Excel spreadsheet of what everybody's doing in like every moment.

00:37:36,847.8320624 --> 00:38:03,321.7136711
Um, so I think you put these expectations on yourself of Oh, what are they going to think of me? Or how are they going to perceive this? Or what, what's going to happen? And most of the time, we're all just too busy living our own lives and, navigating what's going on in our own personal, space and bubble that, you know, if somebody else does something and especially if it's truly aligned with where they want to go and what they want to do, then they're like, heck yeah, like I'm so proud of you.

00:38:03,321.7136711 --> 00:38:04,681.7131711
I'm so excited for you.

00:38:04,691.7141711 --> 00:38:05,911.7141711
That's really cool.

00:38:06,191.7141711 --> 00:38:21,861.7131711
I think it's really more concern when somebody is thinking about you and that kind of aspect, let's say, I was like, Oh, I have to, you know, go take this job or I have to leave or I have to go somewhere I have to do something that I'm not necessarily happy about or I lost my job.

00:38:21,861.7131711 --> 00:38:23,391.7136711
I really liked my job.

00:38:23,671.7136711 --> 00:38:34,561.7126711
I think it's more so like people are concerned, for your well being more so than, they're judging you or thinking about you and like a negative aspect.

00:38:35,571.7126711 --> 00:38:49,651.7126711
What I love so much about what you're saying is I think about how important it is to call out that it's not like there was this grand juicy story of like, I was miserable.

00:38:50,96.7126711 --> 00:38:51,306.7126711
I hated my job.

00:38:51,426.7126711 --> 00:38:55,106.7126711
You know what I mean? Like, I just feel like that's the narrative you hear most.

00:38:55,746.7126711 --> 00:39:07,606.7126711
And I think that there's something so beautiful about like listening to yourself so intimately that you, not only do I, am I not miserable, but I like this part of my personality.

00:39:07,606.7126711 --> 00:39:08,476.7121711
I like this mindset.

00:39:08,476.7121711 --> 00:39:09,656.7116711
I like the way my brain works.

00:39:09,876.7116711 --> 00:39:16,236.7126711
I, it's very satisfying for me to use my,, skillset in this way and, you know, work in this way.

00:39:17,366.7126711 --> 00:39:24,676.7126711
And, and making that choice into the unknown out of that intuition, rather than.

00:39:25,936.7126711 --> 00:39:29,756.7126711
out of a more black and white, like clearly unhappy.

00:39:29,756.7126711 --> 00:39:31,926.7126711
This is clearly harming a lot of things.

00:39:32,66.7126711 --> 00:39:39,736.7126711
It's just like, no, I just have this pull towards something that is so ambiguous, but also like clear in a weird way.

00:39:40,116.7116711 --> 00:39:48,36.7106711
and despite how, what it might seem like, or if you hadn't seen one of your 30 cousins do something similar, there's a lot of cousins.

00:39:50,126.7106711 --> 00:39:51,506.7106711
Um, I don't know.

00:39:51,506.7106711 --> 00:39:56,826.7106711
I just, I wonder if you had seen, witnessed that before.

00:39:56,846.7106711 --> 00:39:57,226.7106711
I don't know.

00:39:57,226.7106711 --> 00:40:03,176.7096711
I just, I just wanted to call that out because I feel like a lot of times we hear these stories about stopping work to go home.

00:40:03,236.7106711 --> 00:40:10,496.7096711
It was, it's a very volatile thing, right? It's very much like I was miserable and I knew it was so wrong, but that's not the case for you here.

00:40:10,566.7096711 --> 00:40:15,76.7106711
And, um, and it's beautiful that you're like, and I could always go back and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

00:40:15,76.7106711 --> 00:40:17,906.7111711
So if you want to speak a little bit more to what that.

00:40:18,256.7111711 --> 00:40:27,556.7101711
Felt like moving through that like if there was waffling and like, but I'm happy if it ain't broke, should I not fix it? Like exactly Exactly that.

00:40:27,776.7101711 --> 00:40:46,851.7111711
I mean, yeah, I I could you know, I could contently be doing engineering work until I retire and Go about my days and live that life and and be totally fine with it I mean, like I said, like that's what I went to school with that was very much like oh you're good at You know, math and science like go into this.

00:40:46,871.7111711 --> 00:41:35,841.7116711
Um, i'm good at it Like I can sit at my computer and I can you know Crank out all these like spreadsheets and do all these calculations and get into the design of everything but like It just felt like okay, but what else is there out there? What else can I kind of like explore? And what would I think looking back if I was retiring like It would have been cool to try this or like it would have been different to You know explore this other option and part of it is like I'm, like am I kind of nuts for you know Leaving this really well paying job that I spent like all this time going to school And, you know, I feel fine doing, um, just to explore a passion and, and something that lights me up.

00:41:35,841.7116711 --> 00:41:40,321.7116711
And, you know, I think a lot of times, like, you know, work is work and work should be hard.

00:41:40,611.7106711 --> 00:41:46,551.7116711
Um, and, you know, you, uh, you do your work and you get it done and then you can have fun on the weekend.

00:41:46,551.7116711 --> 00:41:52,801.7116711
And the weekends and, and nights and stuff are for like your hobbies and the things that you want to do and all that.

00:41:52,811.7116711 --> 00:41:53,721.7116711
And I was like.

00:41:54,6.7116711 --> 00:41:57,636.7116711
But I see other people that are doing what they love.

00:41:58,66.7116711 --> 00:42:32,656.7116711
Like, not that I didn't, you know, like hate engineering or anything, but it wasn't, I wouldn't say it was like my passion or not and a love of like, you know, like I'm going to spend my weekends like doing load calcs, like, it's just like, I had other interests and, and hobbies and things like that, and with starting the podcast and talking to other people and hearing that, you know, they were in this, like, dead end job, and they had to find something else, or they knew that they had to kind of, step into something else, and they found it.

00:42:32,946.7116711 --> 00:42:48,281.7116711
I was kind of, like, Okay, so I can, you know, get paid to do something that lights me up, and I really feel aligned with, and I'm also, like, naturally Good at, I always knew I wanted to be a mom.

00:42:48,281.7116711 --> 00:43:00,561.7116711
I always saw that as being part of the equation and now I get to really put that forefront and, I mean like I lost my mom when I was really young and then I lost my stepmom.

00:43:00,621.7116711 --> 00:43:07,961.7116711
And so I think like those two experiences really have also kind of put me in this position of.

00:43:08,461.7116711 --> 00:43:54,396.7096711
not like the, again, worst case scenario, what if it happens to me, but I don't want to, look back on my life and not do the things with my kids that I wish I would've had more time for, or, if I'm telling them, chase your dreams, do what you love, if I'm not also, amplifying that and doing it myself, then, you know, Again, not, that I am worried about, what they're gonna think of me, but, I want to be that example of, like, it is possible, you can go into a corporate career, you can make that your thing, and you can, absolutely do that, but you also can, you know, Tap into different creative outlets and, and go into birthwork or whatever it might be.

00:43:54,646.7096711 --> 00:44:02,146.7096711
Um, and still get a very similar outcome of like how your life is supposed to pan out.

00:44:02,146.7096711 --> 00:44:03,946.7096711
How it's supposed to pan out.

00:44:05,766.7096711 --> 00:44:11,356.7096711
This reminds me of, so Sarah and I, we did this very, uh, mini retreat one time together.

00:44:11,356.7096711 --> 00:44:28,466.7096711
And I think about like all the big questions that kind of came up and like, well, what's the point? What is it? But end for what? And, and what is the bigger picture and what are we really saying here? And, um, yeah, it's just those social norms of how.

00:44:29,786.7096711 --> 00:44:34,916.7096711
you know, what's typical and traditional in a life and what's quote unquote responsible.

00:44:35,236.7096711 --> 00:44:45,646.7086711
And then there are those moments where I've had, like, I've said yes to something or said no to something that was so outlandish to me.

00:44:45,696.7086711 --> 00:44:51,806.7086711
Those moments where I felt like on paper, I look insane.

00:44:53,156.7086711 --> 00:44:59,566.7076711
And also those moments where I felt like I, I had the thought I should feel scared right now.

00:45:00,226.7086711 --> 00:45:13,826.7076711
And I don't, what is wrong with me? And it's like, but isn't that the, isn't that intuition? Like, it's like, wow, this by all accounts, by everything I've seen and by every, all the loved ones.

00:45:14,361.7086711 --> 00:45:15,531.7086711
coming to me unfiltered.

00:45:15,871.7086711 --> 00:45:19,81.7086711
Um, this doesn't seem like it makes sense.

00:45:19,111.7086711 --> 00:45:21,951.7086711
And yet I feel very still about it.

00:45:22,131.7086711 --> 00:45:56,331.7076711
You, you mentioned, uh, you hit on something earlier around like, am I just nervous or am I excited? I think oftentimes for me, it can feel confusing of, you know, um, is this anxiety? Am I scared? Or is this like good, like comfort zone getting out of my comfort zone? Um, And I think that someone once, uh, explained it to me as like this, it's like the frantic feeling of scarcity, like all of the, but what ifs, but what ifs, are fueling it versus the, talking about like, what ifs in a possibility way.

00:45:56,821.7076711 --> 00:46:02,551.7086711
anyway, so I just, I, I feel like those distinctions are quite common.

00:46:03,1.7086711 --> 00:46:15,391.7086711
confusing, but also very telling, right? It's like if I'm in my nervous system, not scared of this, but I think that it looks insane, probably my gut.

00:46:16,981.7086711 --> 00:46:25,901.7076711
And also there can be things that are, you know, really beautiful that your nervous system is like horrified for like doing a big talk on stage or whatever.

00:46:25,901.7076711 --> 00:46:29,491.7076711
And, you know, there's going to be so much learning on the other side of it.

00:46:29,801.7076711 --> 00:46:32,261.7081711
Um, yeah, I don't know.

00:46:32,261.7081711 --> 00:46:33,301.7086711
And I feel like that.

00:46:33,366.8086711 --> 00:46:48,826.7086711
Yeah, there's a lot of parallels and, um, yeah, like different aspects of our life, like in mothering and business and, you know, birthing ability and, and things like that.

00:46:48,826.7086711 --> 00:46:53,566.7076711
And like, obviously like there's going to be things that happen that are completely out of your control.

00:46:53,686.7076711 --> 00:47:01,146.7076711
And again, it's just, you know, how are you going to cope with that? And like, how are you going to, um, react from it? Yeah.

00:47:01,146.8076711 --> 00:47:01,166.6086711

00:47:01,606.7086711 --> 00:47:11,551.7086711
And it's a lot of just like saying like Is that how you want to react? Like, I think I get stuck in this conversation of people are like, Oh, well, you know, I'm this way.

00:47:11,721.7086711 --> 00:47:14,461.7076711
And so like, I can't change and it is what it is.

00:47:14,471.7086711 --> 00:47:23,991.7086711
And it's like, but I feel like you, you could, if you want it to like, they'll be like, Oh, like, you know, I'm stuck in this job or I have to do this.

00:47:24,101.7086711 --> 00:47:26,101.7086711
you know, I would love to be able.

00:47:26,441.7086711 --> 00:47:39,411.7076711
To explore something different or like that sounds like so exciting, but like I would never or, um, I've been getting a lot of like, if I didn't do this, this job that I'm doing right now, I have no idea what I would do.

00:47:39,701.7086711 --> 00:47:44,641.7081711
Like, it's like they haven't even explored what other possibilities.

00:47:44,961.7091711 --> 00:48:14,231.7091711
There is out there what they would enjoy and I think we are kind of thrown in this loop of like, you know Grade school high school college and you're like just on this trajectory on this path for like one specific thing And while that's great and it really helps us like specialize in different aspects and really like go towards what we want It doesn't allow for variation and it doesn't allow us to really kind of like Say like, well, but what if I tried this? And like, maybe that could be another option.

00:48:14,601.7091711 --> 00:48:21,121.7091711
Um, you're just sort of stuck on this, on this trajectory of, you know, a path.

00:48:21,141.7081711 --> 00:48:34,431.7091711
And you don't even take time to say like, what else is it that I want to do? And I think like, I really had to intentionally step back and ask myself those questions.

00:48:35,436.7091711 --> 00:49:04,866.7071711
And really kind of see like, you know, what does get me excited? What do I feel more aligned with? What could I, you know, go into and feel okay with, you know, doing day in and day out? and like, what does that day look like? and yeah, I think it's just, sometimes our lives are so full that we don't have the capacity to really take the, the space needed to ask ourselves those questions.

00:49:04,866.7071711 --> 00:49:04,961.6071711
Um, sometimes.

00:49:05,311.7071711 --> 00:49:15,801.7071711
And where did you find the space to find that capacity? Like what helped, what was the thing that helped you kind of like take a step back and look at that hamster wheel and be like, Hmm, I don't know.

00:49:15,811.7071711 --> 00:49:16,381.7071711

00:49:16,921.7071711 --> 00:49:21,621.7061711
Um, I really feel like, so COVID hit and I got put on furlough.

00:49:21,886.7071711 --> 00:49:30,826.7061711
And I was probably on furlough for a good, like, two months and we still had the kids in daycare because we didn't want to lose our spot in daycare.

00:49:30,826.7061711 --> 00:49:35,516.7071711
We didn't know when I was gonna go back, if I was gonna go back, like, what that was looking like.

00:49:35,516.7071711 --> 00:49:37,546.7071711
It was very vague, very up in the air.

00:49:37,806.7061711 --> 00:49:47,771.7071711
So, like, I literally was home By myself majority of the time, like sometimes I would keep the kids home, but like most of the time I was just like sending them.

00:49:48,31.7071711 --> 00:49:58,171.7071711
So I was like going out for coffee with people and like going out to like different places and like listening to podcasts and like reading different things and like, like all of this stuff.

00:49:58,171.7071711 --> 00:50:02,421.7071711
And I really just kind of like tapped into like all these different aspects.

00:50:02,421.7071711 --> 00:50:08,1.7061711
And I think like in that time I grew as an individual of like really understanding like, okay, like.

00:50:08,321.7071711 --> 00:50:10,161.7071711
There is space to do this.

00:50:10,191.7071711 --> 00:50:24,241.7061711
And then when I started back up at work again, I made sure that I prioritized my time to like continuously be tapping into that and like making that part of my lifestyle.

00:50:24,621.7071711 --> 00:50:33,751.7071711
Um, so interesting that like, it's like the same idea of like, you can go your whole life and all of a sudden meet someone that becomes the most important person in your life.

00:50:34,51.7071711 --> 00:50:38,251.7061711
It's like you went so long and then all of a sudden you, you just become aware.

00:50:38,496.7071711 --> 00:51:09,906.7071711
Of this thing, whether it's an aspect of yourself or something you didn't know existed or a possibility or whatever, and then it becomes something that's like integrated, like in your day to day, that look like as you had to make room for, I mean, work adjust back to work, like, was it podcast? Was it like, what was it? And how did you kind of assimilate this new component of you in your new normal? Yeah, after I got back off of furlough, I had switched companies and I had gone like a hundred percent remote.

00:51:10,286.7071711 --> 00:51:13,46.7071711
And so I was at home all the time.

00:51:13,56.7071711 --> 00:51:24,736.7071711
So, you know, like my lunch break, I could, you know, do really whatever I wanted and I wasn't commuting and I wasn't, you know, worrying about like getting all dressed for the office and things like that.

00:51:24,896.7071711 --> 00:51:26,376.7071711
So I got a lot of that.

00:51:26,491.7071711 --> 00:51:38,611.6071711
Um, time in a way, like back, like my morning commute was sitting in my living room, drinking a cup of coffee, listening to a podcast.

00:51:38,611.7071711 --> 00:51:42,571.7076711
Um, and I think it's just like, again, it's restructuring.

00:51:42,571.7076711 --> 00:51:45,211.7076711
And like, I think when people say like, Oh, like, I don't have time for that.

00:51:45,221.7076711 --> 00:51:48,301.7076711
Or like, Oh, like, I don't know how I could make time for that.

00:51:48,311.7076711 --> 00:51:53,861.7071711
It's like, okay, you have to prioritize it it's not all going to be New Year's resolutions and things like that.

00:51:53,861.7071711 --> 00:51:57,351.7071711
People are super ambitious and they're like, I'm going to do this and this and this and this.

00:51:57,361.7071711 --> 00:52:00,771.7061711
it's adding in little things at the capacity that you can.

00:52:01,101.7071711 --> 00:52:06,831.7071711
And, you know, right now I'm very, very full because I'm still full time.

00:52:06,841.7071711 --> 00:52:08,661.7081711
I had those two births this week.

00:52:08,891.7081711 --> 00:52:11,11.7081711
and I'm also doing overnight postpartum care.

00:52:11,11.7081711 --> 00:52:15,61.7081711
So like essentially, I have been doing like 80 hours of work.

00:52:15,416.7081711 --> 00:52:27,736.7071711
And then, additionally, who knows what, so, it's just like, it's there, it's just you have to prioritize it, and then, stick with it, if that's what you want.

00:52:27,996.7071711 --> 00:52:38,136.7071711
Sarah said that with a smile on her face, like, a drunk smile, she was just like, yeah, I'm just doing it, like, I look like a happy glowing thing.

00:52:41,21.7071711 --> 00:52:45,471.7071711
Yeah, I mean, I mean, either way, you're right, like, no matter what, you're right.

00:52:45,471.7071711 --> 00:52:50,331.7066711
If you're like, I just don't have time for it because you don't, as you won't make time when that's the thing.

00:52:50,331.7066711 --> 00:52:52,571.7061711
And it sounds so annoying and you just want to like.

00:52:53,116.7071711 --> 00:52:55,146.7071711
backhand me, but it's true.

00:52:55,526.7071711 --> 00:52:56,366.7071711
It is so true.

00:52:56,366.7071711 --> 00:53:21,246.7061711
And I think about COVID and how we, all of a sudden, everyone was given permission to sit it out if they got that positive test for a week and things that we couldn't possibly call out or couldn't possibly not go, or, Oh, it's like, whether it's etiquette or like a rule for attendance for the amount of sick days we get, which can we talk about how ridiculous that is, you know, whatever.

00:53:21,601.7071711 --> 00:53:27,791.7071711
All of a sudden, because the whole world was on the same page and it was like this above the table requirement.

00:53:28,241.7071711 --> 00:53:29,801.7071711
Then it there goes permission.

00:53:29,811.7071711 --> 00:53:34,11.7071711
It's magic, you know, yeah, yeah.

00:53:34,61.7071711 --> 00:53:50,211.7081711
And it's, I mean, it's the same, you know, when my kids would get sick and I'm working and everything, like I have the flexibility and I would say, I guess like the luxury of like being at home that if they were sick, they would literally just be out in the living room, on the couch, watching some TV or like resting.

00:53:50,531.7081711 --> 00:53:53,361.7081711
Um, and I would be able to check in on them and stuff like that.

00:53:53,371.7081711 --> 00:53:54,751.7081711
If I had to.

00:53:54,946.7081711 --> 00:53:56,196.7081711
Go into the office.

00:53:56,486.7081711 --> 00:54:03,236.7076711
Maybe it was just like I took like a complete sick day, which again, I could have done that even being at home.

00:54:03,236.7076711 --> 00:54:19,856.7081711
But it's again, it's that permission that like, are we giving ourselves that or who are we really Afraid to ask for it from, um, and a lot of the times if you just like open up that communication let's say you want to be able to have more time to prioritize for yourself.

00:54:20,176.7081711 --> 00:54:24,926.7086711
Um, and you are a stay at home mom or, you know, like you're with your kids and stuff like that.

00:54:24,986.7086711 --> 00:54:34,716.7076711
who can you really just ask? I need some time just by myself once a month or, you know, like once a week, however often you can do it.

00:54:34,716.7086711 --> 00:54:38,36.7086711
And sometimes you'd be surprised that people would be like, Oh yeah, sure.

00:54:38,56.7076711 --> 00:54:42,826.7071711
I didn't know you needed that or like, I didn't know, that would help you.

00:54:43,286.7071711 --> 00:54:47,776.7071711
Um, You're like, what? You didn't.

00:54:50,721.7071711 --> 00:54:59,731.7061711
Yeah, and it's just I mean like I know I keep beating myself up right now because like I keep on saying I need to work out more and I need to move more and things like that.

00:54:59,731.7071711 --> 00:55:04,261.7071711
I feel like I've been so like stagnant in my mobility and everything like that.

00:55:04,271.7061711 --> 00:55:08,681.7066711
And it's okay, I know that I'll have that time later.

00:55:08,881.7066711 --> 00:55:12,311.7066711
And I know that I'll pick back up into it.

00:55:12,721.7066711 --> 00:55:19,766.7066711
Um, but I I do have a lot of balls that I'm juggling right now and a lot of different things that are like going on.

00:55:19,776.7066711 --> 00:55:23,436.7061711
And so I can't beat myself up you don't want to burn yourself out.

00:55:23,436.7061711 --> 00:55:26,346.7066711
You don't want to like max capacity everything.

00:55:26,746.7066711 --> 00:55:30,636.7066711
But you can slowly say like, okay, but I do want to have more time for that.

00:55:30,646.7056711 --> 00:55:35,226.7066711
So how can I work on getting there? Exactly.

00:55:35,226.7066711 --> 00:55:39,236.7066711
It's not like shaming yourself into just push more, push more.

00:55:39,236.7066711 --> 00:55:40,526.7066711
It's, it's that idea.

00:55:40,566.7066711 --> 00:55:43,496.7066711
It's that idea of like 10 X is easier than two X.

00:55:43,496.7066711 --> 00:55:47,676.7066711
Like if you think it's impossible, it's not try twice as hard.

00:55:47,896.7056711 --> 00:55:50,81.7066711
It's like, if it had to be, 10 X.

00:55:50,431.7066711 --> 00:56:04,261.7066711
How would you think about the situation? You have to break your brain out of like the mental model that it's used to out of the habits, out of the, whatever, like, what is the ways in which we can move these puzzle pieces that are maybe seem surreal.

00:56:04,281.7066711 --> 00:56:08,101.7056711
You know, you really have to push it that far because we're creatures of habit.

00:56:08,101.7056711 --> 00:56:12,681.7066711
Are you kidding me? You go into a same room more than one time, you're going to sit at the same spot in the same room.

00:56:13,881.7066711 --> 00:56:17,211.7066711
So yeah, it's really not about that.

00:56:17,271.7066711 --> 00:56:20,991.7056711
Like, let's just smash more in and sheer grit and determination.

00:56:20,991.7066711 --> 00:56:24,351.7046711
Like you said, Oh, well, weekends are for play and weekdays for work.

00:56:24,351.7056711 --> 00:56:31,221.7056711
It's, it's really breaking your brain out of all of the cycles and taking all those pieces together and be like, wait, how do I want to put this.

00:56:31,636.7056711 --> 00:56:32,186.7056711

00:56:32,426.7056711 --> 00:56:36,826.7056711
And it's not easy because institutions are built around the norm.

00:56:37,126.7056711 --> 00:56:43,616.7051711
So of course, like the typical hours of daycare, the typical hours of school, the typical hours of doctor's offices, like all that stuff.

00:56:43,616.7051711 --> 00:56:48,16.7056711
So what we're saying is not like, Oh, just do that like flippantly.

00:56:48,346.7056711 --> 00:57:00,386.7056711
But I mean, It's, it's really an intentional choice and an intentional deconstructing of a life in order to build one that, you know, fills you up more than you thought possible.

00:57:01,196.7056711 --> 00:57:01,786.7056711

00:57:02,206.7056711 --> 00:57:15,86.7056711
Yeah, it really is like you said, like the deconstructing and the re evaluating and I mean, this has been a five year process for me of like, what do I really want to do and what does it look like? And I.

00:57:15,526.7056711 --> 00:57:25,386.7056711
Have thought about quitting my job and what that might look like and now like it's actually a reality and It's just Not going to happen overnight.

00:57:25,386.7056711 --> 00:57:40,366.7056711
It's not going to be all of a sudden but if you have that Desire and then like you can't and you can change your mind like if you like continue to go for that um, and you see Maybe you don't like it.

00:57:40,376.7056711 --> 00:57:44,86.7056711
Maybe you're like, oh, like, I want to, you know, try this or do that.

00:57:44,86.7056711 --> 00:57:47,716.7051711
Like, I want to be a runner, you know, let's start running.

00:57:47,726.7051711 --> 00:57:50,156.7046711
And then you start running and you're like, this is actually miserable.

00:57:50,156.7046711 --> 00:57:51,426.7046711
I'm never going to enjoy it.

00:57:51,426.7046711 --> 00:57:53,116.7031711
I'm never going to get better at it.

00:57:53,366.7041711 --> 00:57:55,136.7031711
I don't know why I thought this was cool.

00:57:55,136.7041711 --> 00:57:56,781.6041711
Like, maybe you saw, a video or an article.

00:57:57,21.7041711 --> 00:58:22,956.7036711
Really cool outfit for running or something or some new shoes And like you're like, yeah, like that looks so cool and then you're like, nope, never mind not my thing and that's okay like I think it's like allowing ourselves to change and pivot and have that you know curiosity and exploration but not being like Again, stuck in any which way, we can change and we can adjust.

00:58:24,396.7036711 --> 00:58:24,896.7036711

00:58:24,896.7036711 --> 00:58:30,216.7036711
It's hard to remember because we love to wrap our identities up with these things.

00:58:30,316.7036711 --> 00:58:33,516.7046711
no, but I identify as this type of person.

00:58:33,926.7036711 --> 00:58:42,666.7036711
even if it's something so silly, like vanilla over chocolate, or I'm a coffee person, not a tea person, you know, it, we.

00:58:42,941.7036711 --> 00:58:52,251.7036711
It sounds silly and insignificant, but in a very real way, it stops us from even recognizing something else as an option, as a choice.

00:58:52,991.7036711 --> 00:59:03,311.7036711
Um, I was saying on, uh, on another episode how I was at a restaurant and I'm now, I'm eating, I have an autoimmune thing and I'm eating for my thyroid now.

00:59:03,311.7036711 --> 00:59:06,531.7036711
And I have to ask very annoying questions at restaurants.

00:59:06,961.7036711 --> 00:59:12,251.7041711
And I found myself like making fun of myself and being like, Oh, I'm usually not.

00:59:12,271.7041711 --> 00:59:14,111.7036711
It's like, I'm usually not that person.

00:59:14,111.7036711 --> 00:59:27,991.7021711
What, what person, a person that cares about like the food they put in their body? what is my, you know, why am I defending myself to this waiter who doesn't give a fuck? You know what I mean? Like, it's like, it's just so interesting.

00:59:27,991.7021711 --> 00:59:35,271.7026711
And I, And the more you become aware of, of those things, it's not that you're above doing it.

00:59:35,331.7026711 --> 00:59:36,811.7026711
It's just that you start seeing it.

00:59:36,811.8026711 --> 00:59:37,681.7691711

00:59:37,681.7691711 --> 00:59:50,501.7026711
I mean, cause yeah, I have a nut allergy and so I probably should at every single restaurant that I go to make them well aware of it.

00:59:50,766.7026711 --> 00:59:54,316.7026711
But I'm like, no, I'm just going to sit here and I'm going to read through the menu.

00:59:54,316.7026711 --> 00:59:58,96.7026711
And if it doesn't say nuts, then I'm just going to believe that, like, there's no nuts.

00:59:58,426.7026711 --> 01:00:04,976.7026711
But I had a really severe allergic reaction a couple of years ago with that kind of scenario.

01:00:04,976.7026711 --> 01:00:06,276.7026711
It was a vegan restaurant.

01:00:06,276.7026711 --> 01:00:10,466.7026711
We were on vacation and I was like, oh, I'm going to get the vegan burger.

01:00:10,466.7026711 --> 01:00:10,966.7026711
I've had.

01:00:10,996.7026711 --> 01:00:12,926.7026711
So many vegan burgers in the past.

01:00:12,936.7026711 --> 01:00:17,516.7026711
So much vegan cheese, like you name it and never have had an issue.

01:00:17,516.7026711 --> 01:00:22,516.7026711
I know that some places will use nuts, this and that, but it's usually listed and called out.

01:00:22,516.7026711 --> 01:00:25,46.7016711
So like, I didn't think anything of it here.

01:00:25,46.7026711 --> 01:00:26,706.7021711
I'm like halfway into my burger.

01:00:26,706.7021711 --> 01:00:29,36.7026711
Cause we were starving and out all day.

01:00:29,316.7026711 --> 01:00:32,536.7026711
And I'm like, there was nuts in this, like there was absolutely nuts in this.

01:00:32,556.7026711 --> 01:00:34,196.7026711
And I started turning bright red.

01:00:34,446.7026711 --> 01:00:47,101.7026711
I started getting really itchy and I went up to them and I was like, Hey, like Just curious, like, do you use nuts, like, in your burger? And they're like, oh yeah, like, our cheese is, like, a house homemade, like, cashew cheese.

01:00:47,721.7026711 --> 01:00:51,771.6026711
And I was like, great, I'm having an allergic reaction.

01:00:51,771.7026711 --> 01:00:54,491.7026711
And like, they then started, they were like, well, you should have told us.

01:00:54,491.7026711 --> 01:00:57,311.7026711
And I think they were, like, afraid that I was gonna sue them.

01:00:57,581.7026711 --> 01:01:01,381.7026711
And I was like, no, I literally just need, like, safety, like, for myself.

01:01:01,421.7026711 --> 01:01:08,321.7026711
Like, I need to know for, like, you know, reasons of, like, I'm not hallucinating, I'm actually having an allergic reaction.

01:01:09,106.7026711 --> 01:01:23,196.7016711
But I mean, like I, I was in the ER, I started having a panic attack cause now we had children and I was like, you know, my mom and my step mom all flowing through my head, like, I'm gonna die and leave my children behind and all of this stuff.

01:01:23,236.7026711 --> 01:01:34,266.7026711
But, you know, to your point, like, I could have just asked, like, what was in the food and avoided that, but I didn't want to inconvenience them.

01:01:34,296.7026711 --> 01:01:43,996.7026711
And I didn't want to like, call more attention to myself of like, oh, hey, I'm this, like, Like, you know, maybe if I tell them I have a nut allergy they're gonna spit in my burger kind of thing.

01:01:46,576.7026711 --> 01:01:48,886.7016711
I didn't want to, like, be, like, extra.

01:01:49,896.7016711 --> 01:02:06,206.7026711
And, and while that doesn't happen all the time, it happened in this scenario, and it's like, for what? For what? Like, you know? For what? For what? In every, like that's literally life and death situation.

01:02:07,416.7026711 --> 01:02:11,216.7026711
And then there's also like, you know, what is it? I forget her.

01:02:11,226.7026711 --> 01:02:16,826.7026711
Her name is, um, she did like the top five regrets of the dying or something.

01:02:16,826.7026711 --> 01:02:54,596.7016711
Um, I forget her name, but you know, one of them, like not caring what people thought and why did I? Care what anyone thought like no one I overestimated how much someone cared to begin with And then also didn't get to actually live the way I wanted to live which Honestly what scares me more what scares me more than then? knowing, this may sound a little backwards, but what scares me more than knowing I want to do something and not doing it is not knowing I want to do something.

01:02:54,936.7016711 --> 01:02:58,56.7026711
That there's something about that that freaks me out.

01:02:58,316.7016711 --> 01:03:01,806.7016711
Like just not ever realizing that that was an option.

01:03:01,806.7016711 --> 01:03:25,621.7031711
I think it's in the same vein as like, um, When I think about how photographs help me avoid, like, I didn't know how important that was at the time, like, that idea, like, I feel like keeping my phone with me and seeing life through photographs, always keeps it fresh in me of now, now, now, this, this, this, um, but when I think about, like, I didn't think about that as an option for my life.

01:03:25,801.7031711 --> 01:03:28,151.7031711
That statement scares the fuck out of me.

01:03:29,61.7031711 --> 01:03:31,91.7031711
I don't like that.

01:03:31,381.7031711 --> 01:04:01,511.7016711
So, um, it's, I mean, it's not helpful to also be afraid of everything you don't know, but it really puts at the forefront, what are the ways in which I can constantly be Putting in front of me situations that are new or people that are living life, life differently and how they want to, and, you know, not exactly that I'll want to do exactly what they're doing, but just, it's such a good, muscle exercise or muscle memory to recognize all of the ways in which people innovate and really make life their own.

01:04:01,931.7016711 --> 01:04:09,61.7016711
Um, and, and for you, it's your job full time now, your job to help people make their births their own.

01:04:09,181.7006711 --> 01:04:12,991.7006711
Like, okay, how do you make this experience your own? There's so much out of your control.

01:04:13,171.7006711 --> 01:04:28,916.7016711
There's so much That could go wrong, and there's so much that could go right, but like, how do we think about the things that we can anticipate and figure out what feels like you in it, and that way we can move in this process in a way that feels good no matter what.

01:04:29,856.7016711 --> 01:04:33,856.7016711
Yeah, yeah, I mean, like, back to how you said, like, you know, you didn't have a doula.

01:04:33,856.7016711 --> 01:04:47,111.7016711
I think a lot of people, like, are still super confused at, What a doula is and what a doula does and people are like, oh like you deliver babies and i'm like no Yeah, like i'm not like the ob or the midwife.

01:04:47,111.7016711 --> 01:04:54,931.7016711
I don't replace them You don't you know, like hire me to like birth your baby I'm supporting you and I'm informing you of all these different decisions.

01:04:54,931.7016711 --> 01:04:58,671.7016711
I'm, you know, excited for you and along the ride for you.

01:04:58,671.7016711 --> 01:05:03,851.7016711
And I'm there to answer any questions that you have, or, you know, walk through different scenarios.

01:05:03,851.7016711 --> 01:05:12,81.7011711
And a lot of times it's like I was saying, what is this going to feel like? What is that going to feel like? You know, um, if a nurse says something and they're doing it day in and day out.

01:05:12,91.7011711 --> 01:05:15,71.7011711
So to them, they think Oh, that's enough of an explanation.

01:05:15,341.7011711 --> 01:05:18,881.7011711
And so I'm there to kind of be like, Oh, actually they're going to do this or that.

01:05:18,941.7011711 --> 01:05:21,1.6991711
They'll be like, Oh, we're going to start Pitocin.

01:05:22,1.7001711 --> 01:05:34,681.7001711
Okay, is that a pill, a needle, an IV? Like, you know, if you aren't aware of these things, you're just like, okay, do I sit? Do I stand? Where am I? Can I move? I thought the balloon sounded pleasant.

01:05:34,891.7001711 --> 01:05:36,821.5991711
I was like, oh, that sounds, that makes sense.

01:05:36,821.6991711 --> 01:05:40,901.6991711
A gradual, that sounds like, that's very innocent sounding, a balloon.

01:05:41,211.7001711 --> 01:05:42,21.7001711

01:05:42,461.7001711 --> 01:05:43,841.7001711
Worst thing of my life.

01:05:45,721.7001711 --> 01:05:46,291.7001711

01:05:46,291.7001711 --> 01:05:47,701.7001711
I, I mean, like, exactly.

01:05:47,751.7001711 --> 01:05:52,466.7001711
Or they don't understand you get the epidural, you're gonna get a catheter 'cause you're not gonna get up to go to the bathroom.

01:05:52,596.7001711 --> 01:05:52,836.7001711

01:05:52,841.7001711 --> 01:06:02,656.7001711
what does that, what does that entail? What does that, what's getting hooked up and how, how are things all over? I think it's just, you know how it's possible for the epidural to only work on half your body.

01:06:03,331.7001711 --> 01:06:21,321.7006711
Right, yeah, and just all the different like sensations and feelings like, I mean, there will be some nurses that are really good at explaining things or like having the time, we were up against like we weren't sure if she was being sarcastic or what her kind of like personality was, it was very hard to read, um, and we were just asking about things.

01:06:21,331.7006711 --> 01:06:32,361.7006711
She's like, are you serious? And I was like, yeah, yeah, kind of like, kind of, are you serious? We were just, we didn't know how to interpret what her personality was.

01:06:32,381.7006711 --> 01:06:40,441.6991711
And a lot of these people, maybe, you know, your OB or your midwife or whoever, but if you're in a hospital setting, you don't meet the nurses beforehand.

01:06:40,441.6991711 --> 01:06:41,301.6991711
You have no idea.

01:06:41,311.6991711 --> 01:06:44,101.6991711
And they're the people that are with you majority of the time.

01:06:44,351.6991711 --> 01:06:48,906.6001711
So if you don't have a with you, you are with a stranger for the most.

01:06:48,976.7001711 --> 01:06:49,386.7001711

01:06:49,386.7001711 --> 01:06:57,136.7001711
even if you've been with your OB and you've seen them, very often, you are with somebody who you have never interacted with before.

01:06:57,176.7001711 --> 01:07:20,101.7016711
And if you don't vibe with them, like, sure, you can ask for, like, a different nurse, you can, rotate, do whatever, but You're, you're kind of just stuck with whatever personality so like I say if somebody's looking to hire me, I'm like, hey, make sure we vibe together make sure you're ready for me to get all up in your personal space and being you're very vulnerable situation because if you don't like me.

01:07:20,706.7016711 --> 01:07:22,536.7016711
That's not going to be beneficial to you.

01:07:22,546.7016711 --> 01:07:34,166.7016711
If you just want me to leave the room, if you don't want to listen to me, if you don't agree with my, you know, viewpoints or perspective on like what's about to happen, then everything that I say is just going to go in one ear and out the other.

01:07:34,176.7026711 --> 01:07:38,826.7046711
And that's why some people are like, Oh, I had a doula and there wasn't, a reason for it.

01:07:38,826.7046711 --> 01:07:40,396.7046711
Or I don't even know why I had one.

01:07:40,596.7046711 --> 01:07:45,706.7046711
If you're just kind of doing it because somebody told you to do it and you're just like checking off the list.

01:07:46,346.7046711 --> 01:07:49,176.7046711
Then it's not going to be as beneficial for anything.

01:07:49,186.7046711 --> 01:08:00,146.7036711
If you're just doing it to do it and you're not really doing it because you specifically want to, or that's what you, you know, decide on, then it's not going to feel an alignment.

01:08:00,166.7046711 --> 01:08:02,736.7036711
It's not going to feel, um, right.

01:08:02,756.7046711 --> 01:08:05,656.7036711
And it's not going to be right for you.

01:08:07,346.7036711 --> 01:08:16,816.7046711
And what's that common thread with all of this? It's just like, if, if you're being the most honest and I'm being the most honest and we're both a match for each other.

01:08:17,306.7046711 --> 01:08:23,836.7046711
Like how magical will that end up being like when you're living in your deepest truth, not just you're like, Oh, I don't hate it.

01:08:23,846.7046711 --> 01:08:32,266.7056711
Truth is like, and then you get matched with, things that are of the deepest truth for you in life.

01:08:32,306.7056711 --> 01:08:35,956.7056711
Right? So it's like, it's only ever serving.

01:08:36,416.7056711 --> 01:08:57,801.7056711
Everyone around you and yourself to be in your truth, fully in your truth, not in the, like, I don't need much, just this, like, no one, you don't, you're the main character in your life, you're not, why are you playing small in your own life, Take up space, like make sure you'll be able to breathe after you eat that burger.

01:08:57,801.7056711 --> 01:09:10,231.7046711
Like, it's like we, you know, we have to be, and you know, and it's so exhausting, right? Like we have to be our own advocates so hard in so many areas.

01:09:10,591.7056711 --> 01:09:11,61.7056711

01:09:11,226.8056711 --> 01:09:15,56.7056711
I mean, even like, talk about the medical field, my goodness.

01:09:15,56.7056711 --> 01:09:20,326.7051711
Like, you know, when you just know something's not right or blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, and it's exhausting.

01:09:20,326.7051711 --> 01:09:34,136.7056711
And I know there's so much on our plates as it is, but from what I can glean, I'm not like, I have not arrived, but what can, what I have gleaned is that the more you do it, the easier it becomes.

01:09:34,146.7056711 --> 01:09:35,766.6056711
The more you do it, the more your life is, is better.

01:09:35,986.7056711 --> 01:09:38,186.7056711
more seamlessly set up that way.

01:09:38,386.7056711 --> 01:09:43,716.7056711
The more you do it, the more people know what your boundaries are and what to expect from you.

01:09:43,746.7056711 --> 01:09:46,556.7056711
So it does become easier over time.

01:09:47,406.7046711 --> 01:09:48,6.7046711

01:09:48,376.7056711 --> 01:09:48,866.7056711

01:09:49,146.7046711 --> 01:09:55,316.7066711
I think there's like a trend right now saying like, who you think you're like emailing and then like, who you're actually like emailing.

01:09:55,496.7056711 --> 01:10:01,46.7056711
Have you seen that? And it's like, they're like professional, like headshot photo and stuff.

01:10:01,326.7056711 --> 01:10:10,506.7056711
And then it's like, You know, like them, like dancing on a table or like doing something like way, um, not aligned with like how their headshots are.

01:10:10,506.7056711 --> 01:10:12,226.7056711
And I'm sure like, this is something that you can talk to you.

01:10:12,236.7056711 --> 01:10:17,476.7046711
Like you do a great job of like actually capturing like who that person is in that moment.

01:10:17,486.7056711 --> 01:10:27,446.7056711
It's not like this, like, you know, very stiff, posed, uh, It's like, no, like this is that person talking to me.

01:10:27,446.7056711 --> 01:10:33,96.7046711
Like, I remember when you were doing my photos and it was like, you're just sitting there having a conversation and like talking.

01:10:33,96.7056711 --> 01:10:41,576.7061711
And you were like, asking me to explain, what one of my tattoos were or you know, just like getting me in my element of like my true self verse like.

01:10:41,811.7061711 --> 01:10:46,992.6425347
Okay, pose like this, like, have your hair like this, or like, let's have this backdrop, or like, whatever it might be.

01:10:46,992.6425347 --> 01:10:53,751.7061711
And isn't that who you want to be emailing anyway? The person dancing on the table? Yeah! Like, not the person that, like, quaffed in front of a backdrop.

01:10:54,571.7061711 --> 01:11:07,531.7061711
Right! Like, what makes, like, what makes you think that, like, that's not who, like, I mean, I try to put, like, as much of my authentic self out there, because, like, when they're, when they're working with me, like, I, I'm going to be who I am.

01:11:07,551.7061711 --> 01:11:14,591.7061711
And so, like, I want them to see that so, I don't have to, put on this, fake smile or this type, you know, rigid person.

01:11:14,611.7051711 --> 01:11:26,321.7061711
And I feel like with, with engineering, when I had to dress for the office and I had to wear, like, the pencil skirts or the nice slacks and the, you know, the flats and, and the, little heel or something like that.

01:11:26,321.7061711 --> 01:11:30,996.7061711
Or, like, I always felt like I had to, you know, like, You know, have my hair done nice and whatnot.

01:11:31,56.7061711 --> 01:11:38,566.7061711
sure yes, that's a part of me, but like, I, I would not choose to do that on the weekends.

01:11:39,616.7051711 --> 01:11:44,336.7051711
I'm not wearing a button up and like, I wonder it's so interesting.

01:11:44,336.7061711 --> 01:11:45,501.6061711
It makes me think that.

01:11:45,691.7061711 --> 01:11:51,1.7061711
You know, this whole what there was something about, there's like this mass exiting of like corporate culture.

01:11:51,1.7061711 --> 01:11:58,131.7051711
A lot of people are leaving the workplace, obviously, because the effects of COVID and how, oh, now we've seen the light of like, oh, life can be different.

01:11:58,151.7061711 --> 01:11:59,651.7061711
Now there's more remote opportunities.

01:12:00,51.7051711 --> 01:12:22,146.7066711
But I do wonder how much I mean, aside from realizing a different passion or whatever, how many more people would stay with corporate and in the workplace, if If not for like the cultural difference, not just the work, but like this, like bullshit, like political expectation.

01:12:22,406.7056711 --> 01:12:29,476.7056711
I know someone who they, all of COVID were able to work home permanently full, full time.

01:12:29,476.7066711 --> 01:12:33,926.7066711
And then now that, you know, the vaccine's out there, they have to be there like four days a week.

01:12:33,926.7066711 --> 01:12:44,701.7066711
Like, but I'm like, You kept the company alive during COVID and now knowing you can work at home, but now it's like, Nope, we pay for this rented space and optics.

01:12:44,701.7066711 --> 01:12:45,971.7066711
We want your butts in the chair.

01:12:45,981.7066711 --> 01:12:53,611.7066711
It's like, how does one respect that? You know? And it's not always so black and white, but also at the end of the day, those are what you're making your life decisions on.

01:12:53,611.7066711 --> 01:13:02,671.7066711
Like I, I have to go and act like it's normal for me to wake up and put on a blazer when I just got barfed on by my kid and was yelling at my.

01:13:02,826.7066711 --> 01:13:05,326.7066711
Poor five year old for taking his time living his life.

01:13:05,476.7066711 --> 01:13:09,576.7066711
And I'm like, we're late, we're late, we're late! Like, who wants to live like that? Yeah.

01:13:09,816.7066711 --> 01:13:14,776.7066711
You know? And it's like, we could all just feel more at ease in our bodies and our lives.

01:13:14,776.7066711 --> 01:13:19,6.7056711
And we can also do a much better job at work to begin with.

01:13:19,376.7076711 --> 01:13:19,786.7076711

01:13:19,826.7056711 --> 01:13:25,746.7056711
And I, yeah, I mean, I am like curious to see how work culture and stuff like that is gonna shift and gonna change.

01:13:26,26.7056711 --> 01:13:30,736.7056711
Because again, I think it roots back to You know, well, our parents had to do it that way.

01:13:30,736.7056711 --> 01:13:33,6.7056711
There was no work from home kind of thing.

01:13:33,6.7056711 --> 01:13:40,46.7046711
And so like the older generations or the people that are still there, they're like, well, I've done it and I've, you know, worked this way.

01:13:40,46.7056711 --> 01:13:45,406.7061711
And again, back to the work is hard and, you know, you got to kind of like tough it out.

01:13:45,766.7061711 --> 01:13:47,796.7061711
For my first birth, like I had a cesarean.

01:13:47,816.7061711 --> 01:13:49,166.7061711
I don't want that on anybody.

01:13:49,166.7061711 --> 01:13:53,716.7061711
Like I don't unless like, I mean, like you want to have a cesarean, like go for it, like all, all that.

01:13:53,716.7061711 --> 01:14:02,916.7061711
But like, I don't want somebody to feel as ill informed and clueless as I was as to what was going to happen and how things happen.

01:14:04,186.7061711 --> 01:14:05,216.7061711
That just reminds me too.

01:14:05,216.7061711 --> 01:14:09,526.7061711
It's like, well, I did it, but it's like, The world is different now.

01:14:09,716.7061711 --> 01:14:11,236.7061711
Like you don't have to do it.

01:14:12,286.7061711 --> 01:14:14,306.7061711
It's like it was glamorous to smoke.

01:14:14,666.7061711 --> 01:14:16,736.7061711
We know more about smoking now.

01:14:16,736.7061711 --> 01:14:17,926.7051711
It's not the same situation.

01:14:18,96.7061711 --> 01:14:21,486.7061711
Even the food that you eat, it's like, I ate that.

01:14:21,496.7051711 --> 01:14:25,26.7061711
It's like, You know, and also there was, we all turned out okay.

01:14:25,26.7061711 --> 01:14:25,596.7061711

01:14:25,846.7061711 --> 01:14:27,6.7061711
Well, that's debatable.

01:14:27,6.7061711 --> 01:14:29,856.7061711
And also the fact that food is different.

01:14:29,856.7061711 --> 01:14:33,456.7061711
Now chemicals are different the way they're, they're making it taste the same, but there's other stuff in it.

01:14:33,456.7061711 --> 01:14:35,876.7061711
Now it's like, it's not apples to apples.

01:14:36,671.7061711 --> 01:14:37,311.7061711

01:14:38,61.7061711 --> 01:14:39,741.7061711
It's not apples to apples.

01:14:39,751.7061711 --> 01:14:42,91.7061711
It's not all black and white.

01:14:42,101.7061711 --> 01:14:52,531.7061711
It's not really rigid anymore and it doesn't have to be, I think we can look at different options and different possibilities and say like, okay, sure.

01:14:52,581.7061711 --> 01:15:06,501.7061711
Traditionally and like, what even is traditionally? I mean, when we talk about like women working, um, Has it even been like a full century of, you know, women in the workplace? Uh, no.

01:15:07,731.7061711 --> 01:15:27,551.7061711
And so I think it's just a lot of things change and we have to be like willing to evolve with that change and see different perspectives and, you know, technology is expanding and doing who knows what, I mean, like even what we're doing right now, like podcasts were not a thing, like you could not.

01:15:27,841.7061711 --> 01:15:30,361.7061711
Have a career in podcasting.

01:15:30,371.7061711 --> 01:15:38,961.7061711
You could not, you know, have a career as a creator and, and do all of the things that are like existing right now.

01:15:39,671.7061711 --> 01:15:46,971.7061711
And so I think like, cause that's what I had a conversation with my dad, like recently about like, before, like I made the decision to quit and things like that.

01:15:47,281.7061711 --> 01:16:00,576.7061711
And I was like, you know, it's not the trajectory of like where I saw my life going, it's not like, you know, You know, what I had thought of or, I didn't go to school for it and he's like, well, you didn't even know that it existed.

01:16:00,586.7061711 --> 01:16:03,16.7051711
Like, you didn't even know that it was a possibility.

01:16:03,456.7061711 --> 01:16:11,646.7061711
So like, how were you supposed to know that this is an option or this is what you could have been doing? Because.

01:16:12,526.7061711 --> 01:16:27,356.7061711
When you were in high school, like, I didn't know what a doula was when I was pregnant with my daughter, let alone, like, going all the way back to high school when you're supposed to have it all figured out and choose a career and, and go down that path.

01:16:27,641.7061711 --> 01:16:41,651.7061711
And so I think it's like just being open to change and understanding that, like, you're allowed to make those, um, differences and changes and adjustments as, you know, you, you find out about them.

01:16:42,441.7061711 --> 01:16:46,201.7051711
It sounds so cheesy, but it's like, you're allowed to be the change.

01:16:47,891.7051711 --> 01:16:51,641.7051711
It's like, be the change, like be, they're, they're never.

01:16:51,866.7061711 --> 01:16:55,986.7061711
Ever has been and there never will be another you on earth.

01:16:56,276.7061711 --> 01:17:06,86.7061711
So the more we can really root in and be the most ourselves we can be, it's the best thing we can do for ourselves and our families and literally the planet.

01:17:06,86.7061711 --> 01:17:10,386.7061711
Like it sounds like a crazy thing to say, but I, I really think that.

01:17:10,676.7061711 --> 01:17:11,286.7061711

01:17:11,606.7061711 --> 01:17:12,76.7061711

01:17:13,31.7061711 --> 01:17:28,601.7066711
I mean, and it's fine to be in a space of being in that limbo or not sure, and you can very well, you know, like maybe listening to this and being like, well, I don't really know, what I would do, or I feel totally fine.

01:17:28,651.7066711 --> 01:17:31,281.7066711
I don't want to change or I don't want to do anything else.

01:17:31,281.7066711 --> 01:17:34,171.7056711
But I mean, if it ever comes up, like.

01:17:34,696.7066711 --> 01:17:38,806.7066711
You could, or are you saying that because you don't know what your other options are.

01:17:38,806.7066711 --> 01:17:41,376.7066711
You don't know what other possibilities could be.

01:17:41,376.7066711 --> 01:17:43,96.7066711
Um, but yeah.

01:17:43,96.7066711 --> 01:17:45,166.7066711
Just staying open and being curious.

01:17:45,216.7066711 --> 01:17:48,176.7056711
Like, yeah, if there's nothing pulling you, there's nothing pulling you.

01:17:48,176.7066711 --> 01:17:49,886.7056711
There's a spot for stillness.

01:17:50,96.7066711 --> 01:17:51,696.7066711
In everything there's opportunity.

01:17:51,716.7066711 --> 01:17:59,906.7066711
I think stillness is beautiful, but it's like before how scary it is to think about just not being aware of something that I would have loved or wanted to do.

01:18:00,366.7066711 --> 01:18:11,476.7066711
Just being open and being curious to whatever pops up in the awareness, just like you were and then it popped up and then you held on and you're like, okay, I'm finding a way to keep this in my everyday life.

01:18:11,736.7066711 --> 01:18:15,516.7066711
And now that thing that you held onto is becoming your full life.

01:18:16,56.7066711 --> 01:18:16,496.7066711

01:18:16,536.7066711 --> 01:18:17,6.7066711
So cool.

01:18:17,6.8066711 --> 01:18:18,96.7066711
What a cool cycle.

01:18:18,126.7066711 --> 01:18:19,36.7066711
It's really cool.

01:18:20,926.7066711 --> 01:18:21,656.7066711

01:18:21,666.7066711 --> 01:18:22,186.7066711
Oh my God.

01:18:22,196.7066711 --> 01:18:22,366.7066711

01:18:22,366.7066711 --> 01:18:24,616.7066711
Such a pleasure and a joy to talk to you about this.

01:18:24,616.7066711 --> 01:18:30,756.7056711
I could talk to you forever and you've been so gracious with my kids, like in the background of this call.

01:18:30,776.7056711 --> 01:18:31,396.7056711
I get it.

01:18:31,886.7066711 --> 01:18:34,226.6066711
I mean, it's probably never been this nice.

01:18:34,316.7066711 --> 01:18:39,646.7066711
That like, they're usually like really chill on stay put and they're showing me now.

01:18:39,646.7066711 --> 01:18:41,836.7066711
They're like, no, this isn't going to swing this summer.

01:18:44,196.7066711 --> 01:18:45,36.7066711
Hey, cash.

01:18:45,56.7056711 --> 01:18:50,396.7066711
Can you save that song for like five minutes from now? And I'm mommy's not recording a podcast episode.

01:18:51,996.7066711 --> 01:18:53,36.7056711
I can't hear anything.

01:18:53,36.7066711 --> 01:18:54,766.7066711
If it makes you feel better, you can't.

01:18:54,826.7076711 --> 01:18:55,406.7076711

01:18:55,686.7056711 --> 01:18:56,476.7056711
Oh my God.

01:18:56,486.7066711 --> 01:18:57,326.7056711
He's singing.

01:18:58,216.7066711 --> 01:19:00,226.7066711
Like a Bob Dylan version of Zachary.

01:19:06,586.7066711 --> 01:19:08,196.7066711
Please, please, one second.

01:19:08,366.7066711 --> 01:19:09,456.7066711
I can't believe you can't hear that.

01:19:09,526.7066711 --> 01:19:10,526.7056711
That's great news.

01:19:10,526.7066711 --> 01:19:23,896.7066711
I mean, I'm very loud to me, but, um, uh, before we let you go, Is there anything else that feels like resonant that you want to share or is there a way that we can find you? I know you have a podcast.

01:19:24,206.7066711 --> 01:19:29,326.7066711
Uh, where do you hang out online? Like, how can people get more from you? Yeah.

01:19:29,396.7066711 --> 01:19:30,896.7056711
Um, well, definitely.

01:19:30,916.7066711 --> 01:19:35,206.7066711
So wherever you're listening to this podcast, you can find Entering Motherhood.

01:19:35,206.7066711 --> 01:19:42,126.7066711
Go over there and we chat about all things like chill, like pregnancy, postpartum, newly motherhood.

01:19:42,426.7066711 --> 01:19:46,426.7066711
Along those lines, uh, I usually am on Instagram.

01:19:46,436.7066711 --> 01:19:50,916.7066711
That is my favorite social media platform at Entering Motherhood.

01:19:51,326.7066711 --> 01:19:54,86.7056711
And, my website is enteringmotherhood.

01:19:54,106.7066711 --> 01:19:54,696.7066711

01:19:55,286.7066711 --> 01:20:02,246.7066711
And, And yeah, that's, uh, pretty much like where I hang out, where you can find me and, uh, what I talk about there.

01:20:02,246.7066711 --> 01:20:04,466.7066711
But I love like connecting with other people.

01:20:04,466.7066711 --> 01:20:16,126.7066711
I love having conversations and, and really kind of like exploring life and, and what goes on and all the weird inner workings of our brains.

01:20:16,746.7066711 --> 01:20:17,936.7066711
That's something we talked about.

01:20:17,946.7066711 --> 01:20:18,296.7066711
It wasn't.

01:20:18,656.7066711 --> 01:20:23,96.7066711
Like it's called entering motherhood, but it's not really specifically entering motherhood.

01:20:23,96.7066711 --> 01:20:37,306.7056711
It's like entering motherhood, it's like all of it, entering this new life, this new sense of self, this new way of life, this new possibility, this, and then what comes afterwards, I mean, after the baby, then there's everything.

01:20:38,76.7056711 --> 01:20:38,586.7056711

01:20:38,586.8056711 --> 01:20:39,386.6056711

01:20:39,666.7056711 --> 01:20:39,866.7056711

01:20:40,506.7066711 --> 01:20:41,656.7066711
Thank you so much.

01:20:41,696.7066711 --> 01:20:56,896.7056711
I cannot wait to see this lake house and see how it all rolled out to hear about how, you know, working from home with the little is going to be and we'll have to do like a part two and maybe the roles will be reversed and you'll be the one.

01:20:57,486.7066711 --> 01:20:59,646.7066711
Walking around your house with your microphone in your lap.

01:20:59,646.8066711 --> 01:21:01,396.6066711
I know.

01:21:01,396.7066711 --> 01:21:07,736.7061711
I'm really excited for it all and I'm super excited to just, like, be sharing more part like back to, you know, being authentic and stuff like that.

01:21:07,736.7061711 --> 01:21:22,346.7066711
I feel like I've had to hide a little bit of the behind the scenes work that I do because I have to put on this like forefront of like, I'm Like full time this so like if I'm out at coffee with a friend, even if it's like on my lunch break, like I feel so guilty.

01:21:24,236.7066711 --> 01:21:32,496.7066711
I have heard that I have heard that from many entrepreneurs that are both, you know, you know, part time entrepreneur, part time full time type of situation.

01:21:32,496.7066711 --> 01:21:46,906.7066711
And it's like, ah, you, you know, you're not doing anything wrong, you know that you put in the hours, but still Optics, optics, and it's like, right, like you can't possibly explore some other alternative and, you know, go out on your own passions.

01:21:46,906.7066711 --> 01:21:58,186.6061711
And yeah, like what gets, what does it get to feel like and look like and be like to not in any way feel this precursor to a filter? Anything.

01:21:58,646.7061711 --> 01:22:00,616.7061711
Oh, I can't wait.

01:22:02,466.7061711 --> 01:22:03,276.7061711
I'm excited.

01:22:03,326.7061711 --> 01:22:04,36.7061711
Oh, my gosh.

01:22:04,46.7061711 --> 01:22:04,876.7061711
Thank you so much, Sarah.

01:22:04,886.7061711 --> 01:22:07,606.7061711
All the information from Sarah will be in the show notes.

01:22:07,936.7061711 --> 01:22:11,256.7061711
And, um, yeah, go over and check out Entering Motherhood.

01:22:11,276.7061711 --> 01:22:13,586.7061711
All Things Sarah is all things magic for me.

01:22:16,716.7061711 --> 01:22:16,736.7061711

01:22:17,571.581171 --> 01:22:20,791.581171
This has been an Awkward Sage Production.