Today I’m connecting with my business mentor, Marie Forleo, to shed light on the transformative experience of B-School.
We’re exploring the intersect between being your own boss and answering a divine calling. This is the place where business becomes a spiritual practice and is the Fast-Track for personal growth.
You’re going to love this episode if you’re someone who aspires to increase your success on a professional level or if you simply enjoy motivating conversations for your own enrichment.
We’re talking about the inherent value of creating a purpose-driven business and the role resilience plays in overcoming challenges.
Marie’s insights, taken from her own transition (22 years ago), from a successful corporate job to creating her own business, underscore the value of following your dreams, living your passion, and being 100% authentic in your marketing. She illustrates how marketing is less about sales and more about genuine communication and service to others.
You’re going to walk away feeling inspired on your path, ready to take your business or career to the next level, and encouraged to connect with like-minded individuals who share a similar passion.
When you join B-School you not only get lifetime access, and 100% satisfaction guarantee, but you will find it's absolutely pivotal as you grow and expand.
As entrepreneurs, we are our most valuable asset. It’s important to continue to invest in ongoing professional development, and stay adaptable in the ever-evolving landscape of online marketing to grow. Because the world needs us now more than ever before!
There’s a greater focus on Health and Wellness, which means, as yoga teachers, healers and coaches, we need to know how to present our services in a way that expresses true value to our students and clients.
Episode Highlights:
Introduction to Marie Forleo - Background and accomplishments of one of the most influential figures in entrepreneurship and personal development.
Marie's Journey - An intimate look into Marie's path to success, including the challenges she overcame and the lessons learned along the way.
The Role of Spirituality in Business - How spirituality can be a driving force in creating and running a successful business.
Success Principles That Stand the Test of Time - Marie shares her top principles for achieving and sustaining success in any endeavor.
Sales with Soul - A fresh perspective on how to approach sales and marketing in a way that feels authentic and aligned with your values.
Creating Impact and Giving Back - The importance of building a purpose-driven business that contributes positively to the world.
Advice for Aspiring Entrepreneurs - Marie's words of wisdom for anyone looking to start or grow their business in today's fast-paced world.
If you're inspired to take your business and personal growth to the next level, don't miss out on Harmony’s special offer for listeners who join the Marie Forleo's B-School program: FIND OUT MORE
Remember, investing in your growth is the best investment you can make!
IF you liked this episode, we know you’ll love this one too!
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Two Minute Breathwork Session
MARIE FORLEO: Named by Oprah as a thought leader for the next generation and owner of one of Inc.’s 500 fastest-growing companies, Marie Forleo has created a socially conscious digital empire that inspires millions. She’s the star of the award-winning show MarieTV, with over 75 million views, and host of The Marie Forleo Podcast, with nearly 26 million downloads. Marie has taught entrepreneurs, artists, and multi-passionate go-getters from all walks of life how to dream big and back it up with daily action to create results.
Named by Oprah as a thought leader for the next generation and owner of one of Inc.’s 500 fastest growing companies, Marie Forleo has created a socially conscious digital empire that inspires millions. She’s the star of the award-winning show MarieTV, with over 75 million views, and host of The Marie Forleo Podcast, with nearly 26 million downloads. Marie has taught entrepreneurs, artists, and multipassionate go-getters from all walks of life how to dream big and back it up with daily action to create results. She runs the acclaimed business training program B-School, the writing program The Copy Cure, and the joyful productivity program Time Genius. Her #1 New York Times best-selling book, Everything is Figureoutable is available now.